Cities are growing fast. Can transport keep pace? 🤔 By 2050, nearly 7 in 10 people will call cities home. That’s billions relying on infrastructure already struggling to cope. 💡 The solution is building cities that move smarter. Where ride-hailing, micromobility, and public transport work side-by-side. Because every shared trip cuts down emissions, reduces congestion, and gets us closer to the sustainability goals ⁉️ But there’s a gap. Two, actually: 1) Mobility platforms need greener fleets, fast. 2) Cities and businesses must adapt as urban habits change. The question isn’t whether this transformation can happen – it’s how quickly we can make it. We’ve got some answers, and insights into the role insurtech will play in supporting this shift. Now over to you: What’s the single most impactful step we can take to cut urban emissions by 2030?
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