BME National

BME National

Housing and Community Development

A Collective of housing associations who work in diverse neighbourhoods.

About us

BMENational is a collective of over 45 housing associations working in some of the most disadvantaged parts of the country. Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) housing associations were set up in the 1970s and now we manage over 65,000 homes and actsunder the auspices of the National Housing Federation (NHF) as well as collaborating with the Federation to influence national housing policy, BMENational also provides a consultative and promotional platform for BME housing issues. BMEN aims to highlight the contribution BME housing associations make to successful, vibrant and integrated communities while promoting equality and diversity in the delivery of housing and support services. The membership consists of chief executives, managing directors, or any decision-making nominees of BME housing associations and is open to any association that chooses to define itself as a BME organisation. While membership is dominated by independent BME associations, the body includes BME subsidiaries of large mainstream organisations and unregistered housing associations.

Housing and Community Development
Company size
11-50 employees



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