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Manningham Housing Association has appointed Saqib Saleem as its new director of operations. #ukhousing Lee Bloomfield Rupert Pometsey
BMENational is a collective of over 45 housing associations working in some of the most disadvantaged parts of the country. Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) housing associations were set up in the 1970s and now we manage over 65,000 homes and actsunder the auspices of the National Housing Federation (NHF) as well as collaborating with the Federation to influence national housing policy, BMENational also provides a consultative and promotional platform for BME housing issues. BMEN aims to highlight the contribution BME housing associations make to successful, vibrant and integrated communities while promoting equality and diversity in the delivery of housing and support services. The membership consists of chief executives, managing directors, or any decision-making nominees of BME housing associations and is open to any association that chooses to define itself as a BME organisation. While membership is dominated by independent BME associations, the body includes BME subsidiaries of large mainstream organisations and unregistered housing associations.
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BME National reposted this
Manningham Housing Association has appointed Saqib Saleem as its new director of operations. #ukhousing Lee Bloomfield Rupert Pometsey
Last week, BME National held its annual conference, focusing on the housing sector's role in addressing extremism and the opportunities the new Labour government could bring. Over two days, our speakers discussed many key issues such as the impact of Labour’s proposed housing reforms, the housing inequities faced by minoritised communities, and strategies to counter the rise of far-right extremism. This year’s event was a powerful call to action: to embrace the possibilities of a new political era, to challenge far-right extremism in our communities, and to break down the barriers affecting minoritised communities in housing and beyond. Read the full conference report below.
The Older People’s Housing Taskforce report was published this week. It highlighted a number of critical insights and recommendations that hold particular significance for older people from Black and Minority Ethnic communities. Here are 5 things we learned from the report: 1. Housing must embrace cultural and community diversity. 2. Tailored support can help older BME adults navigate housing transitions. 3. Homes designed for multigenerational living are a must. 4. Tackling inequalities in housing access is urgent. 5. Building inclusive, age-friendly communities is vital to reduce isolation. "The challenges of an ageing and diverse population have been overlooked for far too long. It’s time to take action to ensure everyone can age well with affordable, inclusive housing options," says Abdul A Ravat, reflecting on the report. Click the link below to read the full article.
BME National stands in solidarity with Romany Gypsy and Irish Traveller communities following the disturbing actions of Greater Manchester Police at the Manchester Christmas Market. Reports of children being forcibly restrained and over-policed highlight systemic discrimination that must be addressed. We join Friends, Families and Travellers in calling for a full investigation, accountability, and meaningful change to protect marginalized communities. Together, we must challenge injustice and work towards a society where every community is treated with dignity and respect. Read the full statement here:
Day 2 of the BME National conference and we have spent the morning discussing the summer's Islamophobic and far-right riots, the impacts on our communities and the response of the housing sector. We heard from Shabna Begum from the Runnymede Trust who stated that ‘change and movement (towards racial equality) will only happen when there is a critical mass of people and organisations who demand it’. Shabna also shared a Runnymede video about how the riots started and were inflamed in Westminster with the rhetoric and hostility displayed by politicians towards minority communities. An engrossing panel discussion was started by Ulfat Hussain who stated that as a movement we have been too passive and at the time of our riots was forced to ask the question on behalf of the community and BME housing sector ‘who are our friends?’ Ellie from Hope not Hate talked about the rioters being part of a post-organisational movement which had online platforms at the heart of organising and disseminating misinformation. Jeremy Crook OBE from Action for Race Equality stated that scapegoating was an easy sell and pitching communities against each other was a clear tactic. Jeremy also emphasised the need for civil society organisations to come together and form alliances to drive change. Fiona Brown and Mercy Denedo from the Stop Social Housing Stigma campaign joined us to talk about how tenants experience stigma. This stigma is amplified for minority communities. Thanks Charmaine Simei CIHCM for chairing, and we'll see you again next year.
We've had a really great opening afternoon of the BME National conference today. We decided to host the event online this year and we've already had some excellent feedback on the sessions so far. The leader of Oldham Council Arooj Shah opened proceedings by talking through the opportunities that a Labour government will provide for housing organisations, including putting the focus back on social housing and enhancing the social purpose of the sector. Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah CEO of New Economics Foundation despaired at people who denied the existence of structural factors which underpinned many of the housing inequalities today, and said that the solutions to addressing the housing crisis were hampered by fiscal rules. Danny did however see hope in the way that people came together through civil society to tackle problems in society. Our panel on housing and employment featuring Cedric Boston Lynsey Sweeney and Hifzul Khahir showcased the opportunities and purpose of housing associations improving the lives of residents by encouraging participation in employment initiatives. All abley chaired by Lee Bloomfield. We'll see you tomorrow morning for more.
BME National reposted this
Our Chief Executive, Mushtaq Khan, has written a thought-provoking blog for Islamophobia Month, focusing on the Runnymede Trust's recent report on Islamophobia, which exposes how anti-Muslim racism remains deeply embedded in UK society. Mushtaq highlights the pivotal role the housing sector can play in addressing these systemic inequalities, by challenging discrimination, promoting inclusive policies and empowering communities. Tackling Islamophobia is not just about housing; it's about fostering fairness, cohesion, and belonging. Read his insights and join the conversation. #Islamophobia #hdn #hatecrime #stopracism #blog #housing #socialhousing #housingdiversitynetwork
Have you registered for our online conference yet? You can do so by clicking the link below 👇🏾 Places are free for BME National members. On Tuesday, 26th November, we will be holding a insightful online panel discussion: How Does the Housing Sector Respond to the Riots? Our panellists will explore effective strategies for countering misinformation, building inclusive communities, and fostering meaningful engagement with residents. Featuring Ellie Cartwright from HOPE not hate, Jeremy Crook OBE from Action for Race Equality, and Ulfat Hussain from Arawak Walton Housing Association. Don’t miss this important conversation! #BMEnational #bmehousing #bmeconference #socialhousingconference #onlineconference #farrightriots #misinformation ARHAG Housing Association Arawak Walton Housing AssociationSTEVE BIKO HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED Arches Housing Ltd PA Housing Ekaya Housing Association Innisfree Housing Association North London Muslim Housing Association emh group Islington & Shoreditch Housing Association Ltd
The Runnymede Trust have today published a new report Islamophobia: the intensification of racism against Muslim communities in the UK shows that Islamophobia is growing in the UK, and highlights its structural nature across British society. Islamophobia in the UK has deep roots that manifest in many forms. The sense that Muslim people are a threat to Britain has become overt and direct..these narratives have cast British Muslims as ‘outsiders’ with foreign loyalties, as a menace to society. The CEO of Runnymede Shabna Begum is speaking at our conference next week, so make sure that you book on to hear more.
Another keynote speaker announcement! Dr. Shabna Begum, CEO of Runnymede Trust, will be joining us on day 2 of our upcoming online conference! Dr Shabna Begum, will discuss the rising threat of far-right ideologies in UK communities, examining their roots in economic insecurity, misinformation, and divisive rhetoric. She will highlight the need for collective action through inclusive narratives, community resilience, and policies that address structural inequalities, equipping participants with tools to build safer, more inclusive communities. Have you registered for our online conference yet? You can do so by clicking the link below 👇🏾 Places are free for BME National members. #BMEnational #bmehousing #bmeconference #socialhousingconference #onlineconference ARHAG Housing Association Arawak Walton Housing AssociationSTEVE BIKO HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED Arches Housing Ltd PA Housing Ekaya Housing Association Innisfree Housing Association North London Muslim Housing Association emh group Islington & Shoreditch Housing Association Ltd