Last week marked the end of our debut as exhibitors at Food ingredients Europe 2024, and what an experience it was!
We returned to Copenhagen with heads full of insights and new project opportunities. Even a week later, we’re still unpacking all the layers of learning.
A huge thank you to the team at WELDING FOOD for your incredible support and seamless organisation, and to EUROGUM - Bang & Bonsomer for being such wonderful neighbours throughout the event.
We’re especially grateful to everyone who visited our stand to sample our natural taste solutions from upcycled ingredients and explore how these can address your unique challenges.
FiE 2024 wasn’t just about showcasing solutions; it was about meeting new faces, hearing fresh perspectives, and sparking meaningful conversations. Here are some of our key takeaways:
1. What does "natural" mean?
Through countless conversations, we realised how differently this word is interpreted across regions and industries. Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 covers some of it in Europe, but more uniformity across the food sector could certainly be wished for.
2. Upcycling is here to stay.
It was inspiring to meet other upcycling pioneers pushing the boundaries of sustainability and taste. From emerging innovators like Green Spot Technologies and Agrain by Circular Food Technology to seasoned trailblazers like Fiberstar, Inc., it’s clear that upcycling is not a fleeting trend—it’s the future.
3. Labelling matters.
What goes into the bottle is just as important as how we communicate it. Clean labels, natural ingredients, and upcycled certifications were key topics in our discussions, especially with Foodvalley NL and the Upcycling Community.
FiE 2024 was intense, eye-opening, and rewarding.
And now, there’s just one question left: See you in Paris?