My company's landing page received over 600 signups in 15 hours, and I don't want them. I think this is a testament that the product I'm building fits a very strong need. How did I get them? First, I didn't even create a marketing campaign. 1) A post on YC's Hacker News asked "does X exist?". My company happens to provide a better solution, and yes, it leverages AI. My mentor actually sent me the link. I commented enthusiastically to the post. One of the comments said something along the lines of "this really really really needs to happen". 2) My product's customers are for software engineers. I moved to San Francisco, since it has the highest density of engineers than any city. I attended lots of events as a way to sync with the community, and I shared my company page when anyone asked for it. I actually didn't sell it. These are so far the only ways I've shared my company. Is this luck? Did this spread through word of mouth or online sharing? Have I found a product that has reached product market fit before launch? Stay tuned! Even I'm surprised! Edit: it’s now over 1500 signups
maybe it's a signal to spend less time on LinkedIn (where investors spend their time) and more time on Hacker News or Reddit (where your customers spend their time)
No marketing campaign, just genuine enthusiasm and community engagement – now that's a cool story.
Lol that's so awesome and congrats - looks like you didn't miss a beat while moving 🙌
Hell yeah!! Keep it up man!
That's exciting!!
If and when you do customer discovery calls with these leads you might find the following book helpful: Helped me a ton with structuring my early-stage user research
Good job, Jon! I'm super happy for you and can't wait for the launch.
Founder at InstaPitch
10moThat's awesome news! I had a similar response when I first shared about InstaPitch. Below are a few things I did, that has provided me the most value thus far. Step 1: Create a list of 10-20 questions you think would help you get the most insight on how to build your product.(make sure they're open ended) Step 2: Interview ~50 people using the questions. The insights I got from these interviews have been invaluable. Step 3: Keep in contact with the group by giving updates in either a discord group or email newsletter. Step 4: Create a very light prototype and start back at step 1 Great stuff, keep it up!