3-6 month wait!
Healthcare is seeing an all time high of patient needs. With the increased need for appointments and providers leaving the field.....
new patients are waiting longer than necessary for a new patient appointment.
I recall while working in Oregon where he state requirement was that a new patient....
seeking mental health services would be seen within 14 days of reaching out.
This felt impossible. And was impossible. All our providers were already at max capacity for their current caseload. As a supervisor, I was constantly taking a partial caseload just to try and help fill the need.
To try and offload some from my staff. Although, I wasn’t required to do this. But, the helper in me couldn’t just watch this insanity!!
No matter how many providers are working or needed, it is impossible to meet such a demand. A demand that impacts employee wellness. Leaving many feeling burnt out, exhausted, overwhelmed, and like they can’t do enough. Often wondering what the point is.
In Workplace Burnout and the Bottom Line...
I talk about these factors and how they impact an organizations financials. In Oregon, if you don’t meet this requirement it can impact the agencies income. When you work in a managed care system the expectations are not realistic to what is going on in the local market.
As leaders we need to examine what needs to change, including
What we can do as an organization,
What in the system needs to change, and
Who is responsible for each component that needs to change!