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Prize solutions
Winners of Crossword 29,572
Mark Longair & Jenny Duckett, London; Peter Barker, Romford; Tony Greener, Banbury; D U Dodgson, Grasmere; David Howell, Ilkley; Robert Boyes, Sheffield; Alison Ming, Cambridge; Rhys Jones, Pwllheli; Chris Ellicott, Bath; Peter Butler, Hale
Mark Longair & Jenny Duckett, London; Peter Barker, Romford; Tony Greener, Banbury; D U Dodgson, Grasmere; David Howell, Ilkley; Robert Boyes, Sheffield; Alison Ming, Cambridge; Rhys Jones, Pwllheli; Chris Ellicott, Bath; Peter Butler, Hale
Genius solutions
Winner of Genius No 257
Sam Kemp, Colchester