A message from our CEO, reflections of 2024 and a positive view of 2025 and beyond. Merry Christmas to all !
I sit today, in the tranquility of my home, reflecting on 2024. It has been a very positive year for Zenzic Capital and I am not just saying it for the sake of being positive on LinkedIn. Those that know me well, know I wear my heart on my sleeve. I have been asking myself why has this year been the best yet… Firstly I would like to credit my team who have worked incredibly well together and their strategic deployment of capital has paid dividends, leading to outstanding growth. From front to back office, whether new or our longest standing employee, everyone added value, for which I am grateful. I would then say it has been our commitment to our strategy and staying focussed on our goals. Supporting the lower mid market real estate owners, operators and developers is what we are passionate about doing. We are strong believers in supporting deals requiring sub £50m. Our aim is to be the leading provider of credit in Europe to the lower mid market in real estate asset backed scenarios, and that has really started to show a glimmer of becoming a reality. And I will take a glimmer. Lots more to do but we believe that goal is achievable. Lastly I would put this year’s success down to the long lasting relationship I have with my co-founders. Together now 10 years, soon to be 11 and we continue to support each other in business and when needed in our personal lives too. This year we made a decision to celebrate the successes more, which we were previously terrible at doing, whilst continuing to challenge each others assumptions, and motivate one another during difficult times. Over the last ten years we have created a foundation built on trust and respect for one another and I can’t properly express how much that means to me, but it means a lot. So for 2025, I am excited. I am super excited in fact, as the market opportunity is vast and we are well positioned to execute on transactions with great counterparties. Now for a short rest, to spend time with my wonderful children and family. Merry Christmas to all.