Taking the Founders Pledge pledge - But Why
Last night I sat the kids down and told them this story:
"In my 20s, I was Hamlet - paralyzed by analysis, wrestling with 'to be or not to be' decisions at every turn. Each pivot, each strategy haunted by endless deliberation and self-doubt.
My 30s channeled Macbeth - ambitious, decisive, perhaps too eager to seize opportunities. The relentless pursuit of growth and market position, where each success only fed the hunger for more.
Now, I find myself in King Lear territory - less concerned with accumulating kingdoms and more focused on legacy. The questions that keep me up aren't about market share, but about meaningful impact. How do we measure true value? What do we enable in others? Unlike Lear's tragic ending though, I believe this act of our entrepreneurial journey can have a different finale - one where giving becomes greater than gathering, where success is measured by what we enable rather than what we amass.
So in that spirit, even as a co-founder of an early-stage startup EON Protocol, I've taken the Founders Pledge !"
The 16-year-old immediately asked "But why?" I took a breath and said, "Don't worry, we've set aside enough for both you and your little brother to pay for your post-graduate studies, buy your first home, or start your own business."
She looked at me and said, "That's not what I asked. I'm asking why aren't you pledging 100% of the eventual proceeds?"
Founders Pledge is a London-based charitable initiative where entrepreneurs commit to donate a portion of their personal proceeds to charity when they sell their business. Their mission is to empower entrepreneurs to create lasting positive impact through strategic giving. What makes it particularly powerful is that founders can make this commitment early, long before any liquidity event, ensuring that giving back is baked into the company's DNA from the start. By October 2024, 1,970 entrepreneurs across 30 countries have signed up. Collectively, they have pledged $10.3 billion in share value, with $1.4 billion in donations completed to date.
I'm sharing this both as a public commitment and to encourage other entrepreneurs (especially those just starting their journey to consider taking the Pledge.)
What would your response be to a 16-year-old's challenging question?
#philanthropy #founderspledge #entrepreneurship #legacy #parenting #giving #startups #socialimpact #earlystage