EB Centre

EB Centre

Professional Training and Coaching

Herefordshire, United Kingdom 445 followers

Engendering Balance in Leadership

About us

What does ‘leadership’ mean to you? Leadership is a dynamic, living process and no matter how experienced and successful we are, it continues to pose challenges that stretch us. We help leaders respond to these moments by generating new perspectives that liberate us from the constraints of traditional, individualistic thinking. When integrated in a fluent way, our discovery-based and experiential learning encourages and energises you to generate choices, experiment with new ideas and ultimately achieve extraordinary outcomes. Who are we? We – Sue Congram, Rosie Mayes and Mary Musselbrook – founded Engendering Balance in 2012 to develop the concept of balanced leadership. Now, as the EB Centre for Engendering Balance in Leadership, our pioneering work with the Qualities of Practice Cards® is recognised globally for excellence in meeting leadership challenges of today. We have combined our ideas and concepts with decades of consulting experience to create The REAL Leadership Programme online, introducing leadership as a living practice to even more leaders, with discovery and reflection at the heart of our approach. Our philosophy is that awareness leads to change – change that is choiceful and self-directed. What is The REAL Leadership Programme? Grounded in research and designed for real-world conversations and challenges, The REAL Leadership Programme is a highly experiential and engaging digital journey. You’ll grow your capacity to observe, listen and make sense of each situation, so you can choose which kind of leadership is needed in that moment. Rich in substance and with meaningful, interactive activities, this is a space to explore assumptions and experiment with challenging moments without judgement. It is a time to feed your curiosity, reflect on your reality and embed new thinking into your dynamic everyday. The REAL Leadership Programme is an experience that can transform the leadership culture in your organisation. Curious? Get in touch.

Professional Training and Coaching
Company size
2-10 employees
Herefordshire, United Kingdom
Privately Held
Leadership and Executive development, Culture change, Diversity and Inclusion in Leadership, Women & Men at the top, Highly effective Qualities of Practice approach, Sustainable change, Discovery-based learning, Small group in-depth learning, Highly experienced professional team, Women-led leadership learning, Re-imagining leadership for future success, In-depth personal leadership development, Dynamic group process facilitation training, Developing in-house corporate teams, and Exclusive team development aligned with future-focus leadership


Employees at EB Centre


  • Is it time for some fresh thinking in leadership development? This is where The REAL Leadership Programme stands apart. This innovative digital programme guides leaders through six modules of discovery-based learning. Enriched with experiential activities and materials to help them make sense of their leadership world in all its dynamic layers, resourcing them with a powerful toolkit to respond to challenging moments in real time. The programme can be integrated into corporate leadership development initiatives, provide focused learning for selected groups or teams, and offer individual learning for people wanting to travel at their own pace. To explore organisational in-house options please call us on 0800 177 7946 or email contactus@ebcentre.co. For individuals travelling in your own way, sign up here: https://loom.ly/3Ww11U8 #discoverybasedlearning #balanceinleadership #leadershipdevelopment #personaldevelopment #digitallearning #REALleadership #leadership #freshthinking #leader #realtime

  • Leadership Growth: Achieving Meaning We have come to appreciate that sustainable growth as a leader requires us not just to pick up useful ideas or concepts, but needs us to reflect on the meaning that they have for us as a person and for our work. At the EB Centre for Balance in Leadership, we have identified a range of Qualities that are integral to both the relational and the rational aspects of leadership practice. But we resist defining the words - instead, we support the leader to delve into the personal meaning behind each selected Quality. Leaders are encouraged to explore the unique connections between these Qualities and their personal experiences and challenges. Unlike providing static definitions, this enables them to embrace the dynamic process of meaning-making and fosters genuine understanding and awareness. While a lexicon of definitions may seem convenient, it risks sacrificing the profound insights gained through the personalised journey of discovering meaning. Using our unique Qualities Of Practice Cards® is a powerful way to notice when leaders are out of balance and equips them to respond more nimbly to emerging situations. Available as a WebApp, it can be used on phones or desktops for quick moments of inspiration and for longer periods of reflective thinking. Curious? Let’s start a conversation about how Qualities of Practice can build resourceful and diverse teams within your organisation - https://loom.ly/b5vyOhg #Qualitiesofpractice #balanceinleadership #leadershipdevelopment #successinleadership #selfreflection #leadershipawareness

    Contact EB Centre | Leadership Development

    Contact EB Centre | Leadership Development


  • If you are an interested Leadership Learner, and particularly if you are grappling with achieving changes in your organisation, you will have encountered – and hopefully embraced – the idea of influencing through your informal and personal authority. When we focus on the word ‘authority’ here, we are very much intrigued by where that authority emanates from; how it is generated; how it is exercised. We talk about ‘knowing our ground', being grounded, building the self-knowing and self-acceptance from which a person operates. What are the qualities that uniquely shape our leadership in these scenarios where we seek to influence through our personal authority? How do these qualities flex and adapt to different people and context, whilst enabling us to ‘stay grounded’. And how do we balance that sense of ‘being grounded’ with our need to continue exploring the surrounding territory – to notice and consider other perspectives? How do we show our leadership in a way that holds both authority and openness? The Qualities of Practice cards (online or physical) are an invaluable prompt for us as we influence, understand and respond to our context. We often have a play with them to explore the range of qualities that can help us embrace our informal, personal authority. #balanceinleadership #QualitiesofPractice #REALleadership #livingleadership #leadershipdevelopment

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  • As someone with a birthday on the 21st December—the winter Solstice—I have always felt very tuned into the rhythm of nature, celebrating my birth and life, as well as the turning towards light and lengthening of days. Nature begins to stir from its hibernation and the first show of snowdrops often appear before the year is out. Now that is worth celebrating.

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    In the northern hemisphere we are in the darkening days – those ever-shorter spans of daylight that define the drop into winter. These can be difficult days. At the most fundamental level within our bodies, we miss the sunlight – we look towards it, we celebrate with delight the turn, the solstice, when we commence the slow lengthening of the days. But these days - where our waking hours are spent in a blend of darkness, twilight and light - are also days where we can give ourselves permission to tune into the rhythm of nature in winter. To curl inwards, to store energy, to build resilience, to become more ready for growth. In our leadership too, we often find ourselves in darker places. Before we seek to move out of them, we need to pause long enough to see what is there and to understand it – to discover what we can learn from it and to achieve enough clarity to establish a good way forward. Within our work at the EB Centre we have created simple but powerful online processes of reflection to guide leaders within and through these conundrums and to illuminate the qualities that will create success in their leadership practice. We’d love to hear from you if you want to know more about these processes – The Qualities of Practice and our REAL Leadership resources. #balanceinleadership #REALleadership #poisedforsuccess #livingleadership #leadershipdevelopment Click here for a taste of how you can explore your qualities of leadership. https://loom.ly/W7bRbvI

    Qualities of Practice Taster

    Qualities of Practice Taster


  • In the northern hemisphere we are in the darkening days – those ever-shorter spans of daylight that define the drop into winter. These can be difficult days. At the most fundamental level within our bodies, we miss the sunlight – we look towards it, we celebrate with delight the turn, the solstice, when we commence the slow lengthening of the days. But these days - where our waking hours are spent in a blend of darkness, twilight and light - are also days where we can give ourselves permission to tune into the rhythm of nature in winter. To curl inwards, to store energy, to build resilience, to become more ready for growth. In our leadership too, we often find ourselves in darker places. Before we seek to move out of them, we need to pause long enough to see what is there and to understand it – to discover what we can learn from it and to achieve enough clarity to establish a good way forward. Within our work at the EB Centre we have created simple but powerful online processes of reflection to guide leaders within and through these conundrums and to illuminate the qualities that will create success in their leadership practice. We’d love to hear from you if you want to know more about these processes – The Qualities of Practice and our REAL Leadership resources. #balanceinleadership #REALleadership #poisedforsuccess #livingleadership #leadershipdevelopment Click here for a taste of how you can explore your qualities of leadership. https://loom.ly/W7bRbvI

    Qualities of Practice Taster

    Qualities of Practice Taster


  • Choice as an antidote to ‘stuckness’ Whoever we are, whatever level we are at - and even if we work for ourselves – we will experience times where we feel that we are hemmed in, constrained by factors around us, things that we don’t feel we have any control over. This can be quite demoralising and can lead to a sense of stuckness. This is how John (not his real name) was feeling when he began his Leadership Coaching Programme.  His coach worked with him to expand his understanding of the situation, and of himself, exploring his own emotional and behavioural responses to what was going on around him. Then, in the context of this understanding, they looked time and again at what possible choices he had about how to proceed – what a ‘next step’ might be. They were provocative and imaginative in generating possibilities – including options such as doing nothing, going rogue, and initiating a conversation with someone he deeply distrusted. And they were realistic and non-judgemental in evaluating the merit of these possibilities – for example, doing nothing was against his values; going rogue would risk the career he’d strived for; initiating a difficult conversation was daring but achievable… Finding the available ‘points of choice’ was empowering – restoring in John a fragile and battered sense of agency and a belief in his capacity to proceed. Sometimes ‘proceeding’ might mean letting go of something. Other times it revealed a new way to engage with the challenge Ultimately, through this process, they were living the principle that there are ALWAYS choices available – no matter how small. And one of the most vital ‘points of choice’ that we all have, is HOW we are as we proceed with our choices. John found it hugely useful to repeatedly ask himself “What qualities of practice will I bring into play here?” As he worked through the issues, he made frequent use of the online EB Qualities of Practice processes and was able to finish his coaching programme with a renewed sense of vigour about his contribution and his work. What choices are available to you as you contemplate your current leadership challenges? #balanceinleadership #REALleadership #poisedforsuccess #livingleadership #leadershipdevelopment

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