The **AUDIOBOOK** will be out in February! Here's a look behind the emotional scene of the recording the #acknowledgements. In the meantime, if you'd like a hard copy paperback as a Christmas gift for someone in the #BuiltEnvironment, Marsha is selling them directly, and signing them with your chosen dedication, donating all her royalties from Christmas sales to charities supporting children in war affected areas. Tag her in a comment below and she'll get back to you.
Author: Building Inclusion, A Practical Guide to EDI in Architecture & Built Environment, pub Routledge | Global Award-winning inclusion strategist/leader in org culture using CQ | Compassionate & honest agent of change
📣 ANNOUNCEMENT! Building Inclusion - The Book #Audiobook will be out in February! There are so many people to #thank and #acknowledge for their part in creating this book. There’s simply no way I could have delivered this book on my own. If I should have acknowledged you and haven’t, please forgive me. This is me recording the acknowledgements, complete with all the fluffs, mistakes AND TEARS too! 😭 Watch out for your mention: 00:12 Francesca Ford and Hannah Studd of Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 00:37 Helen Castle and Clare Holloway 01:03 Ilona McKie 01:42 My case studies 02:21 All who provided testimonials, Black Females In Architecture, Pooja Agrawal, Joseph Henry & #SoundAdvice 03:06 Melanie Mayfield 03:48 Sumita Singha OBE 💙#ArchitectsForChange 04:24 Devorah Block PhD FRSA and Neal Shasore 05:08 Nick Cunningham Gowling WLG 05:27 The supportive #architecture and #BuiltEnvironment community 05:49 Machel Bogues, Mark Harrison, Sybil Taunton and Louise Duggan 06:15 Rebecca Lovelace 06:48 Katie Neeves 07:17 Professor Pragya Agarwal 07:41 David Livermore & the #CQ Community 08:08 The Family 08:30 I get emosh! 🎄 There's still time to buy a special signed copy in time for Christmas from me directly. All my royalties from Christmas sales are going to charities for children in war torn areas. DM me to arrange. #BuildingInclusion #InclusionStrategy Video ID: A video of Marsha in a sound booth, dimly lit with a lamp light focussed on a tablet from which she fluffs her way through, reading out loud.