⭐️ Where has 2024 gone?! Since the year flew by once again, let us show you everything that happened this year in the official ‘CV Labs Wrapped’! ❄️ Kicking off the year in style, we hosted the Web3 Hub Davos 2024, which attracted over 5000 event registrations! We were proud to welcome speakers and attendees from the United Nations, DFINITY, The World Bank, UBS, Stellar Development Foundation, and more, who joined us for four awesome days 🦄 Our Accelerator team was busier than ever as we accelerated 17 startups across two batches and various Web3 sectors (we’re talking DeFi, Zk Technology, Decentralized AI, the creative economy, and more!). But, no time to rest, because Batch_08 applications are closing this week 🤝 Benedek Orban joined the CV Labs family. As our Head of Ecosystem, Benedek has already been central to developing the CV Labs ecosystem and fostering innovation within our community 🔥 CV Summit 2024 was bigger than ever, welcoming 1500 attendees across the two days! Attendees were treated to three stages of content, with the likes of Charles Hoskinson, Mihai Alisie, Lukas Schor, Catherine Chen, and Ronit Ghose taking the stage 🏆 Another true highlight was our ETH10X Celebration, where we celebrated Ethereum’s 10-year anniversary. Joined on stage by Swiss government officials, the Ethereum co-founders, and industry leaders from Crypto Valley, the spectacular event was one for the books! 🇿🇦 We hosted the second edition of CV Summit Africa in April, welcoming over 300 attendees to the heart of Cape Town. Alongside the main conference, our guests experienced a wide range of awesome side events including a wine tram tour, a private yacht experience, a cooking class, and an evening in the Cape Town Aquarium’s shark tank! 🦈 💰 Sticking with Africa, we launched the Lisk x CV Labs African Blockchain Incubator, helping 23 startups turn their business ideas into successes. After a jam-packed four-month program, 6 startups made it to the Demo Day, pitching their projects to our investor network 🏢 Our operations team was busy too, helping 92 new companies set up shop at CV Labs this year and hosting over 90+ in-house events in our beautiful event spaces These are just some of the highlights from a truly awesome year at CV Labs! A big shoutout to the entire team for making all of this happen, and thank you to the community for supporting us throughout the year! We look forward to what 2025 has in store 🚀