Su equipo de proyecto tiene diferentes niveles de motivación intrínseca. ¿Cómo puedes inspirar a cada miembro para que sobresalga?
Comprender y aprovechar los impulsores individuales de la motivación puede conducir a resultados excepcionales para el equipo. A continuación, te explicamos cómo inspirar a cada miembro:
- Personaliza el reconocimiento reconociendo contribuciones específicas, adaptando los elogios a lo que resuena con cada persona.
- Ofrecer autonomía dando a los miembros del equipo el control sobre ciertos aspectos de su trabajo, lo que puede aumentar su motivación intrínseca.
- Alinee las tareas con los intereses asignando roles que coincidan con las habilidades y pasiones de cada miembro, aumentando el compromiso.
¿Cómo motivas a los miembros de tu equipo que tienen diferentes niveles de motivación intrínseca?
Su equipo de proyecto tiene diferentes niveles de motivación intrínseca. ¿Cómo puedes inspirar a cada miembro para que sobresalga?
Comprender y aprovechar los impulsores individuales de la motivación puede conducir a resultados excepcionales para el equipo. A continuación, te explicamos cómo inspirar a cada miembro:
- Personaliza el reconocimiento reconociendo contribuciones específicas, adaptando los elogios a lo que resuena con cada persona.
- Ofrecer autonomía dando a los miembros del equipo el control sobre ciertos aspectos de su trabajo, lo que puede aumentar su motivación intrínseca.
- Alinee las tareas con los intereses asignando roles que coincidan con las habilidades y pasiones de cada miembro, aumentando el compromiso.
¿Cómo motivas a los miembros de tu equipo que tienen diferentes niveles de motivación intrínseca?
Motivating a team with varying levels of intrinsic motivation requires a tailored approach that respects individual drivers. I start by getting to know each member's strengths, interests, and goals through regular conversations. For those motivated by recognition, I personalize praise by acknowledging their specific contributions in meaningful ways. For team members who value independence, I offer autonomy by letting them take ownership of certain tasks or decisions. For others, I align responsibilities with their passions, ensuring their work feels rewarding and aligned with their skills. By creating a supportive environment that meets individual needs, I
TALK TO YOUR TEAM! Find out the following - what they want - what’s their motivation for being in this role - how can they get that by doing this project/task/programme Your role is to document it, remember it, remind them of it, and keep them focused on it whilst things go wrong/right.
To inspire a diverse project team, focus on understanding individual drivers. For those highly motivated by purpose, emphasize the impact of their contributions. For task-oriented members, set clear goals and recognize achievements. Offer autonomy to those who thrive on independence, while providing guidance and collaboration opportunities for team players. Foster a culture of open communication and celebrate progress to keep morale high. Tailor feedback to align with personal growth aspirations, ensuring every member feels valued. You can ignite a collective drive to excel by meeting individuals where they are.
The most beneficial way to increase intrinsic motivation is for a leader to take the time to use appreciative inquiry to learn about their team member. By using this approach, you can discover the positive motivations and values that your team member brings with themselves to work every day. Shining a light on those values will help clarify how they can show up at the workplace in a way to move the team forward.
Finding what each person’s unique motivating factor is by what they are invested in and knowing what they could care less about. It is important to not only know what your team member says but watch their behavior.
By understanding and utilizing individual motivations, we can achieve exceptional results. We should believe in our company vision, understand each team member's aspirations, and involve them in decision-making, planning, and problem-solving; they will find this enjoyable.
Align your team on the vision, mission, and core strategies, and then EXECUTE! This could easily turn into a philosophical piece about what motivates and inspires people, but in reality, the question itself is relative. You may not even meet some of your project team members until the start of the project and may not initially know what motivates them. Bottom line, make sure that everyone understands what they're doing, why, how, and by what standards. Communicate, be transparent, offer guidance and support, and do what you say you will do. This builds trust and appeals to people's desire to succeed. Only then do people become inspired.
El conocimiento de cada miembro del equipo permite diseñar estrategias de motivación personalizadas, que impulsen a cafa persona a dar lo mejor de sí mismo, buscando el objetivo general.
Like many of those who are sharing their thoughts, I’ve been invited by LI to provide an expert opinion on this topic. What concerns me is that with the question- LI includes an AI summary of the topic, and essentially their suggested answers/talking points. If we are topic experts, why do we need AI input? And why is this AI summary not included for the general LI readership to dee along with our opinion? I love AI- and LI- but when we stop thinking critically and creatively everyone loses- we simply become parrots echoing an accepted/approved point of view. Instead, let’s encourage creative thinking, broad research and individual ideas. Let’s get back to basics.
One thing I've found is providing space and support in identifying individual niches and empowerment to fill any gaps collectively. Follow this up with modeling the way which includes verbalized "stretching", meaning taking risks out loud so to be supported
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