Vous accompagnez un client dans une percée. Comment gardez-vous votre enthousiasme vivant ?
Dans le parcours du coaching, maintenir votre enthousiasme est la clé pour inspirer des percées. Pour faire le plein d’énergie :
- Fixez-vous des objectifs personnels pour chaque séance, en vous concentrant sur les petites victoires pour célébrer les progrès.
- Rafraîchissez régulièrement vos méthodes pour garder les sessions dynamiques et éviter l’épuisement professionnel.
- Prenez soin de vous, en vous assurant d’être à votre meilleur pour autonomiser efficacement les autres.
Comment restez-vous motivé en tant que coach ? N’hésitez pas à partager vos stratégies.
Vous accompagnez un client dans une percée. Comment gardez-vous votre enthousiasme vivant ?
Dans le parcours du coaching, maintenir votre enthousiasme est la clé pour inspirer des percées. Pour faire le plein d’énergie :
- Fixez-vous des objectifs personnels pour chaque séance, en vous concentrant sur les petites victoires pour célébrer les progrès.
- Rafraîchissez régulièrement vos méthodes pour garder les sessions dynamiques et éviter l’épuisement professionnel.
- Prenez soin de vous, en vous assurant d’être à votre meilleur pour autonomiser efficacement les autres.
Comment restez-vous motivé en tant que coach ? N’hésitez pas à partager vos stratégies.
To keep your enthusiasm alive while coaching a client through a breakthrough, anchor yourself in the "why" behind your work. Each session isn't just about guiding someone else; it's about co-creating a moment of transformation. Imagine yourself as an artist sculpting raw marble. Each breakthrough is a new stroke, not only shaping the client’s future but also refining your own skills and purpose. Celebrate the tiny wins within the session—each insight, each "aha" moment, is proof that you're in the middle of something extraordinary. Lastly, view their success as your mirror. Their breakthrough is a testament to your craft, and knowing that you’re part of their transformation can be the most fulfilling motivation of all.
I always go back to my why. Their breakthroughs are the reason I do this: to help and witness people experience the journey of becoming. Also, focusing on being fully present in the moment. Holding space and witnessing this is a privilege. Each client's breakthrough is unique, and I see it as an opportunity to learn and grow alongside them. Curiosity keeps my enthusiasm alive because I’m always inspired by what unfolds.
This is easy & simple. I listen to the strangest secret by Earl Nitingale. Write coaching goals. Do daily visualisation. Celebrate in high enthusiasm whole day, look happy, be happy. This gets transferred to my clients. Gratitude is not a hobby, it is a full time thing. We all should have 3 loves. Love for coaching. Love for lifelong learning. Love for service. This is my secret. What's yours?
Na minha experiência, manter a motivação como é uma combinação de propósito e realização. Sempre busco alinhar cada reunião ao impacto que quero gerar, lembrando que pequenas mudanças podem ter efeitos transformadores na vida das pessoas. Além disso, gosto de variar abordagens e trazer novos insights para evitar que o processo fique monótono. Outro ponto importante é cuidar de mim mesmo – dedicar tempo à leitura, reflexão e até momentos de desconexão, para recarregar as energias. Isso me ajuda a estar presente e engajado.
From an M5 Management perspective, keeping enthusiasm alive while coaching clients through a breakthrough is about staying aligned with their purpose and celebrating progress. Breakthroughs are pivotal moments in an athlete's journey, and as a coach, it’s essential to tap into why you do what you do: helping others deliver on their potential. 1. Focus on Their Goals, Not Ours Every client’s success is unique. We remain motivated and invested by staying focused on what the breakthrough means to them. 2. Celebrate the Process, Not Just the Outcome 3. Stay Connected to Our “Why” The deeper the why, the easier the HOW Ultimately, the joy of witnessing an athlete’s triumph—big or small.
I just show up! Every session is a step toward some kind of breakthrough. And every moment is an opportunity to be present, be curious and be connected. So, I don't try to keep my enthusiasm, because just being there with a person creates it.
My enthusiasm IS alive when I coach a client to a breakthrough or release of a deeply ingrained limiting belief! That’s why I do what I do. To help my clients get to places they could not have gotten to on their own in their mindset and inner healing journey. Enthusiasm wanes when you’re working with someone who is not at the right point A to fully benefit from your genius and get to the point B you are experienced at guiding people to. This is why it is critical to know who you are, who is the person that gets the best results from working with you (PSA: It’s not “everybody” or “anyone”.), and don’t make exceptions. Not honoring these boundaries leads to burnout and regret 10/10. The money is never worth it.
Feel Grateful for that moment and the work I do. Focus on mini steps which has lead to that moment. Also happy to have action taking client.
Un excelente ejercicio es que te tomes un momento después de cada victoria pequeña para felicitarte a ti mismo, cerrar los ojos y grabar esa sensación tan positiva en tu ser. Y otra parte clave es tener claro tu "por qué". Y acá es importante entender el verdadero "por qué"; es decir, por ejemplo que mi meta sea bajar de peso, el por qué detrás de realmente es solo para estar más delgada ? O es porque quiero ser más disciplinada y tener un cuerpo sano y fuerte? Y quiero tener un cuerpo sano y fuerte porque cuando sea mayor quiero ser independiente y no necesitar tanto de cuidado de otros. (Es un ejemplo básico y superficial, pero lo importante es indagar en el verdadero " por qué" detrás de tus metas.
Recognize that you’re simultaneously coaching yourself through your own breakthrough (i.e. keeping your enthusiasm alive). Transform with your client. Focus on mediating among your inner protective parts, all out to protect you from pain, but one in particular who is eager to let the energized enthusiasm flow.
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