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  • (- : noFoe : -) Reflections on Fri, 03jan25 🌄😀🌅 Good Morning 🙏🏽😀🙏🏽 The secret of health for both mind and body is...live the present moment wisely and earnestly. ~ Gautama Buddha Stand up like a mountain; have faith like a rock; love like an avalanche ~ Bob Goff RELEVANT OBSERVANCE BY THE WORLD TODAY (theme / information / purpose "tip"):   01. International Mind-Body Wellness Day (The day serves as a global reminder to prioritise the overall well-being of our mind and body. It's a day dedicated to fostering awareness about the interconnectedness of mental, emotional, and physical well-being through Holistic Health, raising Awareness and Self-Care through engaging in Mind-Body practices [yoga, meditation, tai chi, or deep breathing exercises], prioritising Self-Care [Spending time in nature, enjoy a relaxing bath, read a book, or listen to calming music], connecting with others [spending time with loved ones, engage in social activities, or volunteering in your community] and nourish one’s Body [eat healthy, whole foods and stay hydrated]. The day is an opportunity to prioritise your overall well-being and cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life. #InternationalMindBodyWellnessDay #MindBodyWellnessDay). 02. Women Rock! Day (Women in music have worked hard to create opportunities for themselves and future generations of females in this predominantly male industry. In the 1960s, Janis Joplin became one of the first female artists to overturn the ‘girl singer’ stereotype in folk and pop music. She fused rock and blues into her music and influenced many artists. The day is celebrated on 03 January in honour of the day in 1987 when Aretha Franklin became the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The day has been celebrated each year since. The purpose of Women Rock! day is to raise awareness for and bring encouragement to females who are breaking through the glass ceiling and making a difference in the music industry. #WomenRockDay).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Make it a Wonderful Day 👍🏽😀👍🏽 ------- Are you a (- : noFoe : -) ? n = nation / national / native o = opting F = Friendship o = over e = enmity -------

  • (- : noFoe : -) Reflections on Thu, 02jan25 🌄😀🌅 Good Morning 🙏🏽😀🙏🏽 Introverts, in contrast, may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings, but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas. They prefer to devote their social energies to close friends, colleagues, and family. They listen more than they talk, think before they speak, and often feel as if they express themselves better in writing than in conversation. They tend to dislike conflict. Many have a horror of small talk, but enjoy deep discussions. ~ Susan Cain The Theory of Evolution has more holes in it than a dam made out of Swiss cheese. ~ Eoin Colfer RELEVANT OBSERVANCE BY THE WORLD TODAY (theme / information / purpose "tip"):   01. World Introvert Day (Introversion is primarily obtaining gratification from one's mental life. Introverts are typically perceived as more reserved or reflective. Some popular psychologists have characterised introverts as people whose energy tends to expand through reflection and dwindle during interaction. Introverts enjoy solitary activities such as reading, writing, or meditating. They prefer to concentrate on a single activity and observe situations before participating. They are more analytical before speaking. Mistaking introversion for shyness is a common error. Introversion is a preference, while shyness stems from distress. The day recognises and appreciates the unique qualities of introverts. The day was created by German psychologist and author Felicitas Heyne in 2011 to raise awareness of introverts and address the discrimination and lack of appreciation they often face. #WorldIntrovertDay #IntrovertDay). 02. Swiss Cheese Day (Switzerland has an intense and ancestral dairy farming and cheesemaking tradition. Today, cheese dairies and mountain pastures in Switzerland produce nearly 500 varieties of cheese, not counting fresh cheeses. Most of these, and others well-known internationally, are semi-hard Alpine or Swiss-type cheeses such as Emmental and Gruyère. Local cheese contains probiotics, protein, calcium, lower sodium, phosphorus, and vitamin B-12, to name a few. It's a day to appreciate this delicious and versatile cheese, known for its distinctive flavour and those iconic "eyes" [holes] on it. #SwissCheeseDay).                                                                                                                                                      Make it a Wonderful Day 👍🏽😀👍🏽 ------- Are you a (- : noFoe : -) ? n = nation / national / native o = opting F = Friendship o = over e = enmity -------

  • (- : noFoe : -) Reflections on Wed, 01jan25 🌄😀🌅 Good Morning 🙏🏽😀🙏🏽 I come from a land where the idea of the whole world being one family is rooted in our ethos 'vasudhaiva kutumbakam'. ~ Narendra Modi Surely the apple is the noblest of fruits. ~ Henry David Thoreau RELEVANT OBSERVANCE BY THE WORLD TODAY (theme / information / purpose "tip"):   01. Global Family Day (Global Family Day starts with a positive message of unity every new year. Cultures and religions worldwide may differ, but the truth is that all of mankind is a large family that can survive and succeed only if united. This goal can be achieved if one spreads the message of peace and unity. It all started in 1997 when the United Nations General Assembly launched the International Decade for the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World — on the first day of the new millennium. One of the important efforts toward this was launching a book sponsored by Linda Grover called “One Day in Peace – January 1, 2000”. The launch of the decade of peace, as well as the book, revolved around the idea that someday, in the future, there could be a time when there would be no more war on the planet. The day promotes the concept of harmony and unity in the world. Furthermore, it emphasises the idea of the world as a global village in which we are all family, regardless of citizenship, borders, or race. #GlobalFamilyDay). 02. Apple Gifting Day (Apples symbolise various positive qualities of life such as love, good health, knowledge, beauty, bounty and rebirth. One of the most commonly known fruits on the planet, apples are convenient because they are long-lasting [when kept cool] and nutritious. Giving apples as a gift was considered a sign of wealth, which is why apples symbolise many things, such as love, knowledge, bounty, beauty, and good health. Since apples symbolise many good things, gifting apples to the people on New Year’s Day and wishing them good health and prosperity for the rest of the year is a good way to start the year. #AppleGiftingDay).                                                                                                                                              Happy-Peaceful New Year & Make it a Wonderful Day 👍🏽😀👍🏽 ------- Are you a (- : noFoe : -) ? n = nation / national / native o = opting F = Friendship o = over e = enmity -------

  • (- : noFoe : -) Reflections on Tue, 31dec24   🌄😀🌅 Good Morning 🙏🏽😀🙏🏽   Happiness is the result of an attitude of mind. I believe you can build it out of small things. ~ Miss Read   Life has loveliness to sell, All beautiful and splendid things, Blue waves whitened on a cliff, Soaring fire that sways and sings, And children's faces looking up, Holding wonder like a cup. Life has loveliness to sell, Music like a curve of gold, Scent of pine trees in the rain, Eyes that love you, arms that hold, And for your spirit's still delight, Holy thoughts that star the night. Spend all you have for loveliness, Buy it and never count the cost; For one white singing hour of peace Count many a year of strife well lost, And for a breath of ecstasy Give all you have been, or could be. ~ Sara Teasdale [Sara Teasdale, William Drake (1984). “Mirror of the Heart: Poems of Sara Teasdale”, MacMillan Publishing Company]   RELEVANT OBSERVANCE BY THE WORLD TODAY (theme / information / purpose "tip"):   01. Make Up Your Mind Day (No excuses, no procrastination, no ands, no ifs, or buts, but this is a chance to stop putting things off for fear of responsibility and get your things done. The last day of the year is the perfect day to take some time off to think about your life, how satisfied you are with it, what you would change, and most importantly, what decisions you would make to see the changes happen. Every big move in life comprises a series of much smaller decisions, and one has to make each decision to achieve their larger goal. The best way to celebrate this day is to make a firm decision to make firm decisions from now onwards. This can be done by tackling a long-standing decision, decluttering your mind, setting clear goals, and practising decisiveness. #MakeUpYourMindDay).   02. Universal Hour of Peace (The Universal Hour of Peace is from 11:30 PM on 31 December to 12:30 AM on 1 January. It aims to promote peaceful activities and work towards a world without war. This global initiative encourages individuals and communities worldwide to dedicate an hour to peaceful reflection and contemplation by Promoting Peace [creating a moment of international unity and peace], Individual Reflection [personal reflection, meditation, or simply quiet contemplation] and Collective Action [peace concerts, candlelight vigils, or moments of silence during this hour]. The hour aims to foster global interconnectedness and inspire a commitment to peace and understanding throughout the new year. #UniversalHourOfPeace).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Happy New Year's Eve & Make it a Wonderful Day 👍🏽😀👍🏽   ------- Are you a (- : noFoe : -) ?   n = nation / national / native o = opting F = Friendship o = over e = enmity -------

  • (- : noFoe : -) Reflections on Mon, 30dec24   🌄😀🌅 Good Morning 🙏🏽😀🙏🏽   The arts are not frosting but baking soda. ~ Michael Gazzaniga   When we once begin to form good resolutions, God gives us every opportunity of carrying them out. ~ Saint John Chrysostom   RELEVANT OBSERVANCE BY THE WORLD TODAY (theme / information / purpose "tip"):   01. Resolution Planning Day (The ancient tradition of making resolutions for the new year started at the Babylonian festival of Akitu over 4,000 years ago. Spanning 12 days, the ‘rebirth of the natural world’ would be celebrated by the Babylonians. A new king would be crowned, crops would be planted, and promises would be made to the gods. They believed that if these promises or resolutions were kept and fulfilled, the gods would be happy instead of vengeful. In 153 B.C., to honour the god Janus, January 1 was declared the start of the new year by the Roman Senate. Janus was an entity with two faces that could look backwards and forward in time - this symbolised the end of one year and the beginning of another. But it wasn’t until 100 years later, in 46 B.C., that Julius Caesar made the concept of the new year being on January 1 official and effective. Just like the Babylonians, the Romans would pledge promises to their god Janus about their behaviour for the coming year. During the Middle Ages, the ‘Peacock Vow’ would be renewed at the end of each year by the knights upholding the code of knighthood. The phrase ‘New Year resolution’ appeared for the first time in a Boston [US] newspaper in 1813, and from there onwards, modern resolutions became a thing. So, it is better to start planning your resolutions on December 30, which should be good to go when the New Year arrives. #ResolutionPlanningDay).   02. Bicarbonate of Soda Day (Sodium bicarbonate, known as baking soda or bicarbonate of soda [NaHCO3], is a salt composed of a sodium cation [Na+] and a bicarbonate anion [HCO3−]. Sodium bicarbonate is a crystalline white solid often appearing as a fine powder. It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste resembling washing soda [sodium carbonate]. The baking powder, being a versatile compound, has a wide range of uses in Cooking and Baking [leavening agent, tenderising], Cleaning [deodoriser, scrubber, stain remover], Beauty [exfoliator, deodorant, teeth whitening], Health and Wellness [heartburn relief, mouthwash, insect stings] and other uses [fire extinguisher, pool care]. The day appreciates the fantastic versatility of baking soda and all its wonderful uses! #BicarbonateOfSodaDay #BakingSodaDay).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Make it a Wonderful Day 👍🏽😀👍🏽   ------- Are you a (- : noFoe : -) ?   n = nation / national / native o = opting F = Friendship o = over e = enmity -------

  • (- : noFoe : -) Reflections on Sun, 29dec24   🌄😀🌅 Good Morning 🙏🏽😀🙏🏽   I love the cello, I love the physical sense of an instrument that's about the size of your body that vibrates enough that even if you play an open string, you feel it. ~ Tod Machover   Pepper is small in quantity and great in virtue. ~ Plato   RELEVANT OBSERVANCE BY THE WORLD TODAY (theme / information / purpose "tip"):   01. International Cello Day (The violoncello, abbreviated as cello, is a middle-pitched bowed string instrument of the violin family. Its four strings are usually tuned in perfect fifths: low to high, C2, G2, D3 and A3. Played by a cellist or violoncellist, it enjoys an extensive solo repertoire with and without accompaniment and numerous concerti. The day honours the deep, resonant sounds of the cello and the musicians who bring it to life and its profound impact on the world of music. #InternationalCelloDay).   02. Pepper Pot Day (Pepperpot is an Amerindian-derived dish popular in Guyana. It is traditionally served at Christmas and other special events. Along with chicken curry and cook-up rice, pepperpot is one of Guyana's national dishes. This dish is usually reserved for special occasions because it needs to be cooked for several hours and is mainly eaten on Christmas Day or during the Christmas holiday season. Traditionally, the dish is made using wiri wiri chilli peppers. However, sometimes scotch bonnet or habanero peppers are used as substitutes due to their similar spice level and fruitiness. Originally made with whatever ingredients were available during the harsh winter, including tripe, meat scraps, and peppercorns, the soup was seasoned with a mix of local spices to enhance its flavours. The day pays tribute to a dish that warmed and nourished soldiers of George Washington [first president of the US], who participated in the American Revolutionary War during the frigid winter at Valley Forge in 1777, famously known as “the soup that won the war.” #PepperPotDay).                                                                                                                               Make it a Wonderful Day 👍🏽😀👍🏽   ------- Are you a (- : noFoe : -) ?   n = nation / national / native o = opting F = Friendship o = over e = enmity -------

  • (- : noFoe : -) Reflections on Sat, 28dec24   🌄😀🌅 Good Morning 🙏🏽😀🙏🏽   Don't just buy a new video game, make one. Don't just download the latest app, help design it. Don't just play on your phone, program it. ~ Barack Obama   Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. ~ Oprah Winfrey   RELEVANT OBSERVANCE BY THE WORLD TODAY (theme / information / purpose "tip"):   01. Download Day (The day invites everyone to dive into the world of apps on their electronic devices. It’s a day set aside to appreciate how downloads of all sorts can make life simpler and more fun. The day encourages people to try out new apps and tidy up their digital spaces, particularly delete those apps that are not in use, update other apps, and organise their digital screens. The day encourages people to explore new apps, organise their digital lives, and even create apps. #DownloadDay).   02. Call a Friend Day (In today’s world of technology, even though it can bring people together in some ways, people can feel more isolated than ever. Checking emails, answering texts, responding to Facebook notifications, and other tech-based tasks can fill up our lives and make us feel less connected to the people we’re spending all our time connecting with. Since social media only portrays the surface, it’s essential to be sure that actual personal contact and connections are made through conversation. Many people struggle with depression and even suicidal ideations, so it’s very important to try to stay connected. It’s time to contact friends by phone and connect with them. Let them know they are considered and cared for, and catch up with what is happening in each others’ lives. The day reminds us to take a few minutes, pick up the phone, and call that friend you’ve meant to get back in touch with. #CallAFriendDay).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Make it a Wonderful Day 👍🏽😀👍🏽   ------- Are you a (- : noFoe : -) ?   n = nation / national / native o = opting F = Friendship o = over e = enmity -------

  • (- : noFoe : -) Reflections on Fri, 27dec24   🌄😀🌅 Good Morning 🙏🏽😀🙏🏽   By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. ~ Benjamin Franklin   Zoo: An excellent place to study the habits of human beings. ~ Evan Esar   RELEVANT OBSERVANCE BY THE WORLD TODAY (theme / information / purpose "tip"):   01. UN - International Day of Epidemic Preparedness (The United Nations General Assembly established the day in 2020 to raise awareness about the importance of global preparedness for epidemics. Future epidemics could surpass previous outbreaks in intensity and gravity without international attention. There is a great need to raise awareness, exchange information, scientific knowledge, and best practices, as well as quality education and advocacy programmes on epidemics at the local, national, regional, and global levels, as effective measures to prevent and respond to epidemics. The day serves as an essential reminder of the interconnectedness of global health and the need for collective action to protect populations from future outbreaks. #EpidemicPreparednessDay #InternationalDayOfEpidemicPreparedness).   02. Visit The Zoo Day ( The word ‘zoo’ is the shortest way to refer to a zoological park or garden. Zoos are typically home to various species and function as protective shelters for their animals. In most of the better zoos around the globe, the enclosures the animals are kept in are relatively roomy and attempt to mirror an animal’s natural environment as closely as possible. The day encourages people to visit their local zoos and discover the wonders of the animal kingdom. #VisitTheZooDay).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Make it a Wonderful Day 👍🏽😀👍🏽   ------- Are you a (- : noFoe : -) ?   n = nation / national / native o = opting F = Friendship o = over e = enmity -------

  • (- : noFoe : -) Reflections on Thu, 26dec24   🌄😀🌅 Good Morning 🙏🏽😀🙏🏽   Thank you, always say thank you; it's the greatest gift you can give someone; because thank you is what you say to God. ~ Maya Angelou   Homeowners who refinanced their mortgages took out cash and reduced their monthly payments at the same time. Much of the cash obtained by refinancing was spent on consumer durables, home improvements and the like. ~ Martin Feldstein   RELEVANT OBSERVANCE BY THE WORLD TODAY (theme / information / purpose "tip"):   01. Thank-you Note Day (Gratitude can help people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build relationships. The day encourages people to express their gratitude through handwritten thank-you notes. In today's digital age, a handwritten thank-you note is a thoughtful and personal gesture that is sure to be appreciated. By writing thank-you notes, you can show appreciation for the people in your life and strengthen your relationships. #ThankYouNoteDay).   02. Homeowners Day (The day was founded by Paisley Vartanian in 2020. It’s believed this is the ideal day to put an offer on a house to have optimal savings. Being a homeowner is a significant milestone for many people, and they also see it as a secure investment for their future. The day celebrates the pride of homeownership and recognises homes' significant role in homeowners’ lives. It's a time to appreciate the hard work and dedication of owning a home, from making mortgage payments to maintaining and improving the property. The day is a reminder to appreciate the comfort, security, and sense of accomplishment of owning a home. #HomeownersDay).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Happy Boxing Day, Happy Kwanzaa & Make it a Wonderful Day 👍🏽😀👍🏽   ------- Are you a (- : noFoe : -) ?   n = nation / national / native o = opting F = Friendship o = over e = enmity -------

  • (- : noFoe : -) Reflections on Wed, 25dec24 🌄😀🌅 Good Morning 🙏🏽😀🙏🏽 Every man, every woman who has to take up the service of government, must ask themselves two questions: ‘Do I love my people in order to serve them better? Am I humble and do I listen to everybody, to diverse opinions in order to choose the best path.’ If you don’t ask those questions, your governance will not be good. ~ Pope Francis Everything we do understand about the universe - the periodic table of elements, Einstein's laws, Newton’s laws, all of chemistry, all of biology - that's 4 percent of the universe. We got to the moon on the 4 percent we do understand. We landed on Mars on the 4 percent we do understand. So the day we crack the nut of the rest of that 95 percent... Oh my gosh. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson RELEVANT OBSERVANCE BY THE WORLD TODAY (theme / information / purpose "tip"):   01. Good Governance Day (The day coincides with the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The Day was established in 2014 and is dedicated to promoting awareness of accountability and transparency in governance. It aims to inspire citizens to participate actively in governance processes and hold public officials accountable for their actions. #GoodGovernanceDay). 02. Grav-Mass Day (Grav-Mass Day celebrates science and reason. The day is celebrated on 25 December to commemorate the birth anniversary of Isaac Newton, the English physicist and mathematician credited with discovering the theory of gravitation. The name “Grav-Mass” indicates “Gravitational Mass”. #GravMassDay #Newtonmas).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Merry Christmas & Make it a Wonderful Day 👍🏽😀👍🏽 ------- Are you a (- : noFoe : -) ? n = nation / national / native o = opting F = Friendship o = over e = enmity -------

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