Welcome to a day in the life of Preeti*!
It’s morning in Kalpura village, Educate Girls’ Field Coordinator Preeti gets ready, pockets her mobile phone and begins her day. Equipped with her phone and the Educate Girls’ PMS app she is ready to take on the day.
She begins her day by opening the PMS app. The map of Kalpura unfolds before her, showing each household as a dot, color-coded by priority. The app’s data reveals a clear pattern: a cluster of out-of-school girls (OOSGs) in the northern part of the village.
“This cluster is critical." Preeti thinks to herself. “I’ll start here.”
Gone are the days of wandering through unfamiliar streets and asking people for directions. Now, each step is guided by data - she can now reach her first stop easily.
By 10 a.m. Preeti has reached her destination - the Sharma household, where two daughters have dropped out of school.
“Namaste,” She greets the family warmly.
Pointing to a graph on her screen in the PMS app she says. “Girls like your daughters, when educated, are more likely to delay marriage and bring financial stability to their families. Here’s proof from families in nearby villages who’ve taken this step.”
The parents listen patiently. By the end of their conversation, they agree to explore the learning camp. Preeti updates their status as “contacted” on the PMS app.
As the day turns into the afternoon, Preeti pauses to eat and review her work. Once again, the app shows her the highlighted areas where her efforts are most needed. Preeti can see via the app that most families in the area are migrant workers, struggling with economic instability. This insight will help her tailor her approach.
At around 3 p.m. Preeti heads to the village school, where she has a meeting with the headmaster. She used the PMS app to share her findings—maps, insights and progress data.
“Look at this,” she says, showing him the cluster analysis. “This northern area needs targeted interventions. Can we conduct a community meeting here next week?”
The headmaster nods in agreement. “This tool is incredible. It’s like we’re finally seeing the whole picture.” Together, they plan the next outreach session.
By 5 p.m. Preeti is on the bus going home. She takes this time to sync her updates into the central system. The data - household visits, contact status and emerging patterns are all updated easily by her during her journey home.
She looks at the village map on her phone once again. The families she contacted today were no longer dots; they were girls with a chance towards a better future.
While the PMS app has made Preeti’s work more efficient, her compassion and perseverance are still a guiding compass.
When passion meets innovation, lives can be transformed.
Stay tuned - something extraordinary is coming up!
Koita Foundation
*name changed.