Through new interactive features, television is becoming a central hub for entertainment, communication, and sharing. Instead of old, push-based broadcasting to set-top-boxes, new pull-based, interactive services and tighter integration with other audio/visual entertainment devices enable ambient access to tv programming. AMDIT 2008 workshop focuses on the data management challenges associated with the design of ambient media delivery and user aware interactive television systems, to make television programmes available and easily accessible in multiple contexts, through diverse media devices.
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1st international workshop on ambient media delivery and interactive television
Through new interactive features, television is becoming a central hub for entertainment, communication, and sharing. Instead of old, push-based broadcasting to set-top-boxes, new pull-based, interactive services and tighter integration with other audio/...
The ACMS, a model-driven approach to new interactive television services production and delivery
This paper contains a brief report of the analysis of new requirements raised by Interactive Television and then gives a possible solution by defining a model-driven environment for the production and delivery of interactive television applications and ...
An architecture for TV content distributed search and retrieval using the MPEG query format (MPQF)
Traditional broadcasting of TV contents begins to coexist with new models of user aware content delivery. The definition of interoperable interfaces for precise content search and retrieval between the different involved parties is a requirement for the ...
Scene detection using visual and audio attention
Shot and scene segmentation are basic steps for a variety of applications in video analysis and processing. In this paper, we propose a new method for automatic scene detection which takes visual patterns of movies and audio features into account. In ...
System for automatic audio video service creation for mobile TV and mobile web applications
This paper describes an innovative prototype system created to build up multimedia services addressed to mobile users, starting from automatically retrieved and processed archive contents or from User Generated Contents. The system targets both ...
Automatic live tagging of videos using chronicles
Creating and editing videos is a costly process in terms of time and money. For this reason, reusability is a major issue in this field; hence, videos should be appropriately labelled, describing its structure and content, but this process is costly ...
Multimedia genre characterisation with fuzzy embedding classifiers
Multimedia classification is a key issue in modern data management, where the number of available items is dramatically growing and there is an increasing demand for access to distributed multimedia data. Selection by genre is a simple and effective ...
Detecting abnormal activities in video sequences
Automatically detecting suspicious human activities in restricted environments such as airports, parking lots and banks represents an open issue for the last generation surveillance systems. In this paper, we present an approach that allows to detect ...
1st international workshop on ambient media delivery and interactive television
AMDIT '08: Proceedings of the 2008 Ambi-Sys workshop on Ambient media delivery and interactive televisionThrough new interactive features, television is becoming a central hub for entertainment, communication, and sharing. Instead of old, push-based broadcasting to set-top-boxes, new pull-based, interactive services and tighter integration with other audio/...
Interactive television: new genres, new format, new content
IE '05: Proceedings of the second Australasian conference on Interactive entertainmentThe aim of this paper is to discuss some of the main issues associated with interactive genres, formats and content in the context of interactive television (ITV). First, a set of new forms or categorizations of ITV will be presented. Second, the suite ...
Interactive television news
A new interactive television experience has been created for watching television news. The goal is to create a news experience that is similar to the way people watch television in their living rooms while giving viewers the power to make choices about ...