The Workshop on Self-sustaining Systems (S3) is a forum for discussion of topics relating to computer systems and languages that are able to bootstrap, implement, modify, and maintain themselves. One property of these systems is that their implementation is based on small but powerful abstractions; examples include (amongst others) Squeak/Smalltalk, COLA, Klein/Self, PyPy/Python, Rubinius/ Ruby, and Lisp. Such systems are the engines of their own replacement, giving researchers and developers great power to experiment with, and explore future directions from within, their own small language kernels.
Proceeding Downloads
Studying a self-sustainable system by making a mind time machine
We present our pilot study on a special machine that self-sustains its rich dynamics in an open environment. We made a machine called "MTM" (Mind Time Machine) that runs all day long, receiving massive visual data from the environment, processing by an ...
From Lisp to Ruby to Rubinius
The Ruby language has been highly inspired by Lisp since its beginning. In this talk, Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, the creator of the Ruby language explains how Ruby borrowed features from Lisp, and describes briefly a newer implementation of the language ...
PEG-based transformer provides front-, middle-and back-end stages in a simple compiler
Traditional compiler generators target a single stage within the compilation process. Each generator typically uses a dedicated specification language and the generated code often imposes restrictions on the program representation accepted as input or ...
Konoha: implementing a static scripting language with dynamic behaviors
This paper presents the design of Konoha, a statically typed object-oriented scripting language. Konoha is modeled to have the same or similar scripting experience with dynamic languages, by emulating major dynamic behaviors, such as duck typing and ...
An implementation of a hygienic syntactic macro system for JavaScript: a preliminary report
The article describes an implementation scheme of a hygienic syntactic macro system for JavaScript. Instead of implementing the complex logic of a hygienic macro system from scratch, the proposed method heavily relies on an existing Scheme ...
Tamacola --- a meta language kit for the web: a report on creating a self-hosting lisp compiler on the Tamarin VM
Tamacola is a dynamic, self-sustaining meta-language system grounded upon the Tamarin VM. Tamacola compiles a Scheme-like S-expression language into ActionScript bytecodes, and contains meta-linguistic features, such as a PEG parser generator and macro ...