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Configurable LoRa testbed for reproducible PHY and MAC research
This demo introduces a highly configurable, cross-platform compatible LoRa testbed. Developed for evaluating the BSMA LoRa system, the testbed supports comprehensive PHY and MAC parameter configurations, diverse hardware setups, and offers scalability ...
Seeing the Unseen: The REVEAL Protocol to Catch the Wireless Man-in-the-Middle
In this demonstration, we show a simple, yet effective protocol that detects a wireless Man-in-the-middle (MitM). The proposals that address this classic problem of detecting the MitM in wireless networks typically use knowledge of the attack vectors, ...
Passive Device Identification with Packet Timing Analysis
We present preliminary results on identifying unique devices using an attack exploiting temporal patterns on packet bursts during Wi-Fi network discovery. The attack achieves a 94.1% success rate in detecting unique mobile devices.