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Retroreflection with Amplification for Long Range mmWave Sensing
Millimeter wave sensing has rapidly gained prominence with the advent of Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radars, redefining applications in both indoor and outdoor domains. An emerging focus in this field revolves around developing intelligent ...
Transfer Generative Adversarial Networks (T-GAN)-based Terahertz Temporal Channel Modeling and Generating
Terahertz (THz) communications are a promising technology for 6G and beyond wireless systems, offering ultra-broad bandwidth and thus data rates of Terabit-per-second (Tbps). However, accurate channel modeling and characterization are fundamental for the ...
Beam Management in Operational 5G mmWave Networks
Due to the directional nature of mmWave signal propagation, beam management plays a critical role in the performance of 5G mmWave deployments. However, the details of beam management in commercial deployments and its performance in real-world scenarios ...
Design and Validation of a Metallic Reflectarray for Communications at True Terahertz Frequencies
Wireless communications in the terahertz band (0.1-10 THz) is a promising and key wireless technology enabling ultrahigh data rate communication over multi-gigahertz-wide bandwidths, thus fulfilling the demand for denser networks. The complex propagation ...