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On the modeling of scattering mechanisms of rough surfaces at the terahertz band: invited paper
Looking to 2030 and beyond, revolutionary enhancement of transmission rates in the sixth-generation mobile communication (6G) is required to meet the challenge of increasing communication traffic. The terahertz (THz) band providing ultra-wide bandwidth ...
Millimeter-wave user association and low-interference beam scheduling: invited paper
Due to highly directional communication links, millimeter-wave networks are often considered to be noise-limited. However, in dense networks with a small inter-site distance, a large number of users, and many serving beams, the inter- and intra-cell ...
Terahertz communications can work in rain and snow: impact of adverse weather conditions on channels at 140 GHz
- Priyangshu Sen,
- Jacob Hall,
- Michele Polese,
- Vitaly Petrov,
- Duschia Bodet,
- Francesco Restuccia,
- Tommaso Melodia,
- Josep M. Jornet
Next-generation wireless networks will leverage the spectrum above 100 GHz to enable ultra-high data rate communications over multi-GHz-wide bandwidths. The propagation environment at such high frequencies, however, introduces challenges throughout the ...
Soil moisture sensing with mmWave radar
Soil moisture is a significant factor that influences plant productivity and natural resource management. Accurate commercial soil moisture sensors often require manual data collection and cost thousands of dollars, which makes data collection ...