Chip-In Factor
I remember several years ago at an industry conference playing in a Golf tournament. I wasn’t a good golfer partly because I didn’t practice or take enough lessons. There was a Green on a hill on the 11th hole. My ball was at the bottom of the hill. I took my Sand Wedge which is 56 degrees, I choked down a little on the club, and opened the face slightly. I pulled back and swung the club striking the golf ball. My partner who I shared a golf cart with was helping me look for the ball. I thought it went over the green like many times before. Then he yelled, it’s in the hole!!!! I couldn’t believe it. What a rush of Adrenaline! I was so happy and motivated, and after feeling self defeated and depressed having many bad holes during the game, I was excited to continue playing and had a completely different outlook on my life with just this one success. My tank was filled and I was ready to take on the world again.
I believe in this philosophy. I try to help clients, family, friends, and colleagues get the same feeling of success. I have read several books and done research on anthropology. I continue to study this subject because skillfully reading and engaging with people results in successfully growing personal and business relationships. So for example when I bring a client a new customer or help them close a sale, I can see by their reaction that they got that same feeling I did when I Chipped-It-In. When I teach family and friends how to use technology that was very frustrating to them, but now made their daily lives a thousand times easier, I can see that they got the same feeling I did when I Chipped-It-In. So now selfishly I am sharing in their excitement which motivates me to want to do more to help people Chip-It-In.