Cabin Fever?
As most businesses have simultaneously slowed across the world, a forced break from your work routine has ensued. Many individuals are conforming to their home office requirements, a reduction in hours or even adjusting to life as part of the newly unemployed.
As I've talked to people in each one of these circumstances, there is a theme that threads the conversations together. The uncertainty and fear of the unknown stands at the forefront of our minds. And it only weighs heavier each time we turn on the news. Or, we read someone's post on social media. Or, we emotionally discuss our issues with a confidant.
From the time we wake up until the moment we fall asleep, there are immeasurable questions going on in each of our minds. When will I go back to the office? Will my retirement account recover? Is the worst yet to come? How do I pay my bills? What if this goes on for another three months? Six months?? A year?!?!?
Where does everything go from here?
I'm not going to downplay the reality so many of us are facing. But I am going to give you permission to enjoy the moment. Because for the masses, there is nothing you can do to fix your immediate situation.
Regardless of the adjustments you are already making, I am writing this article to encourage you to enjoy the break. Whether you are binge watching a new show or getting to a project you never had time for, enjoy it like you've taken a vacation.
How many times in our lives do we take an extended period of time to simply be in our homes? We work so hard to furnish our houses and make them our sanctuaries to relax after a long day of work. Should we feel punished to be on these extended staycations?
My wife and I purchased a wooden name sign for our daughter's room. And instead of paying them to paint it, we had them ship the wooden sign unfinished. We took our time as we wanted to paint the side of it silver and the front of it white. Our artistic abilities saw the white paint going over the silver. And the silver paint going over the white. Over and over again. While it took us three days to complete the project, we enjoyed these moments more than we could have ever imagined.
At this point, no one knows how long this will last. And no one knows what the new normal will be once we get through this. But today is your day. Feel free to watch and read a little less news. Replace this time with something more enjoyable. Otherwise, you'll look back and wish you could do this time all over again. And, I certainly hope this world event doesn't have a sequel!
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