The X-WALL is a visual representation of your desired reality: a graphic illustration of your mental vision
You can create one or multiple X-WALLS in your house. Bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchen are most recommended, as you can see the images when you wake-up and go to bed: the two moments of the day when your brain is in gamma and theta brainwaves, thus more conducive to lucid dreaming.
To create your X-WALL, you must research and select inspirational images from magazines, internet, photo collections and any other source of your preference. The whole process may be time-consuming. But, in quarantine, you may have lots of free time. So, instead of watching too much news, build your X-WALL. The results are well worth the investment. Guaranteed!
You can search and select pictures of icons and celebrities who inspire you; but also your academic certificates, photos, positive testimonials of your clients, awards, medals, images of beautiful moments and personal accomplishments of which you are proud of.
To organize your X-WALL, you can create a simple "vision-statement". For instance:
“By [month], I increase my INCOME by [%]. I perform more CONFIDENTLY and spend more time with my [FAMILY/PARTNER]. My HEALTH is excellent. My BODY is leaner and I LOOK more attractive”.
Consequently, you search and select the following images in magazines, websites and/or any other source of your choice:
INCOME: pictures or ads of things that you aspire to purchase, such as: houses, cars, jewels, vacations, etc.;
CONFIDENCE: images of your favorite celebrities - actors, artists, athletes, models and businessmen/women - in postures that radiate confidence. You can also post photos of yourself in moments and occasions when you felt at your best;
FAMILY/PARTNER: this is your “emotional/sentimental” section containing photos of your dearest people - relatives, children, partners, friends – that inspire a deep, good feeling in you;
HEALTH: images of you in your best form, for instance playing sports, winning a medal or competition, even when you were a child. If you don’t have any, find images of actors, artists, athletes, models and business people who inspire you, and are in phenomenal shape;
BODY: picture of athletes, models or celebrities whose body you envy. Use also photos of yourself playing sports, or on the beach when you felt in good shape, even if you were younger. Select both full body images, and specific body’s parts that you like, or want to improve [e.g. abs, legs, chest, etc.];
IMAGE: photos of yourself wearing something that you really like, and/or with a favorite hairstyle. You can also post images of actors, athletes, models and business people of your choice. Select images with styles and colors that are consistent with your personality and desired lifestyle; that let you feel good, and can help you improving your current style and look.
These are just examples... You can build these or other sections in your X-WALL, according to your desires, preferences and stages of life.
In the X-WALL,
your creativity is your only limit.
You can also create multiple X-WALLS and change their sections whenever you feel it. X-WALLS are living organisms which should reflect the evolution of your thinking, aspirations, reality, personality and stages of life.
One last important task …. When you affix any image in your X-WALL, do the following:
LOOK at it daily, especially when you wake-up, and before you get to bed. You can also use it as screensaver in your computer, tablet and phone, so that you can see it frequently during the day;
ENVISION yourself into the image; try to project yourself into it tri-dimensionally, like in a virtual reality. If it’s a person, envision yourself already having some of his/her qualities. If it’s a place, imagine yourself already there. If it’s an object, visualize that you can already touch and smell it;
TALK to it; ask it to accelerate its realization in reality. There is nothing religious in it. By talking aloud to your dreams, you activate the quantum Laws of Attraction and Realization;
BE ambitious; believe in the transmutation of your X-WALL into your new