60 Years After 'Silent Spring,'​ It’s Time To Look Beyond All-Or-Nothing Environmentalism
InnerPlant's Shely Aronov reflects on the ongoing impact of Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" in agriculture.

60 Years After 'Silent Spring,' It’s Time To Look Beyond All-Or-Nothing Environmentalism

By Shely Aronov

This article originally appeared in Forbes

In her barnstorming environmental polemic Silent Spring, which celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, Rachel Carson fired a broadside against the unfettered use of chemicals by agricultural giants. Carson’s masterpiece ignited the modern environmental movement: Within a year, U.S. Senators heralded the book as having “altered the course of human history.” Soon afterward, America’s leaders passed the Clean Air and Clean Water acts, inaugurated Earth Day, and created the Environmental Protection Agency.

But Silent Spring wasn’t just a wake-up call for environmentalists. Carson’s magnum opus also sparked a furious response from agrochemical businesses: Eliminating chemicals, they warned, would lead to farmland being overrun by pests, pushing the world to the brink of famine. In subsequent decades, the battle-lines have only hardened, with environmentalists demanding the elimination of chemicals, and agrochemical giants warning of disaster and starvation.

The result is that little has changed. If anything, things have gotten worse. The introduction of pesticide-resistant seeds in the 1990s and the resultant race against chemical resistance means we’re spraying our fields with vast quantities of chemicals that wind up in our food, air, water and soil. Sixty years after Silent Spring, it’s time to ask: Is there a better way?

Big Seed’s Bait-And-Switch

To answer that question, let’s first acknowledge how effective the agrochemical giants’ PR strategy has been. They didn’t just convince Americans that scrapping chemicals would lead to catastrophe; they redefined the terms of the debate. Thanks to their efforts, we’ve spent the past 60 years arguing about whether chemicals should be abolished instead of figuring out how to use chemicals responsibly.

That’s a trap Carson herself was careful to avoid. Silent Spring doesn’t call for the elimination of chemicals but of “the shotgun approach” with which they’re applied. The key, Carson argues, is to find “safer and more selective” ways to get the job done. “The methods employed must be such that they do not destroy us along with the insects,” she writes.

In one section, in fact, Carson lavishes praise on “a perfectly sound method of selective spraying” that can be used to apply chemicals where they’re needed instead of indiscriminately spraying entire fields. “There is no broadcasting of material but, rather, concentrated application. ... The potential harm to wildlife is therefore kept to a minimum,” she writes.

Elsewhere, Carson calls for the development of new chemicals and delivery mechanisms that would be “safe and also highly specific in their action.” The goal, she reiterates, isn’t to drive chemical companies out of business; rather, it’s to minimize the harm done to our health and our shared environment.

Iteration, Not Innovation

Carson’s gospel of restraint was swiftly drowned out by the all-or-nothing rhetoric of the chemical companies and the environmentalists who rose up to oppose them. The result was a sweeping victory for the chemical industry. Despite environmentalists’ best efforts, organic production today accounts for only 0.8% of American cropland—and even then, organic farmers still use pesticides. Like it or not, we still haven’t figured out how to farm without chemistry.

By suckering environmentalists into pushing for the abolition of chemicals, the agrochemical business was able to ring-fence them into a tiny fraction of the agricultural space. Most farmers, though concerned about increasing pesticide use, saw organic farming as unscalable and ruinously expensive. Forced to choose between Big Seed and bankruptcy, they chose Big Seed.

Worst of all, the chemical industry’s sweeping victory freed them of any obligation to try to create safer chemicals or more targeted delivery methods. By framing the debate as all-or-nothing, the chemical industry was able to substitute iteration for innovation and lock farmers into a dependent relationship grounded in ever-greater applications of an ever-growing cocktail of chemicals.

Clearly, this stagnation can’t be allowed to continue. But after 60 years, it’s time for environmentalists to accept, as Carson realized, that they won’t achieve their goals by seeking to abolish agricultural chemicals. To have an impact, we need to get smart and find ways to make the other 99.2% of our farmland cleaner and more sustainable too.

A New Approach

To achieve that, we need to give farmers an off-ramp—a viable alternative to the status quo. That doesn’t mean scolding farmers about their use of chemicals—it means giving them the tools they need to gradually reduce their chemical use without compromising yields.

Fortunately, new technologies are now enabling more selective and sparing use of chemicals. My own company creates crops that fluoresce in response to stresses, allowing farmers to apply treatments on an as-needed basis. Other companies are developing plant- and insect-derived pesticides or using automation and machine vision to target herbicides at individual plants.

Such breakthroughs are promising. But to get results, we’ll also need a paradigm shift in the way we think about sustainable agriculture. Instead of trying to completely eliminate chemicals, we need to incentivize farmers to use chemicals in the right way, in limited amounts, to support large-scale and cost-effective crop production while minimizing the potential for harm.

We also need to recognize that farmers can’t drive change on their own. For the past six decades, we’ve let chemical companies frame the public narrative around farming. Far too many of us have bought into a false dichotomy—between unfettered chemical usage on the one hand and starvation and famine on the other—that only serves the interests of chemical manufacturers.

It’s time for all of us—farmers, entrepreneurs, consumers and policymakers—to reject the broken narratives handed down to us by Big Seed. The simple reality is that as long as we keep paying these companies by the pound for their products, they’ll keep pushing farmers to use more chemicals while using their market dominance to crush any effort to put global agriculture on a better course. To break the chemical companies’ stranglehold, we need a new approach. Sixty years after Silent Spring, it’s time to admit that all-or-nothing environmentalism isn’t working and to start working to forge a more sustainable future for our industry.

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