NDIS—a noble endeavor, indeed, wrapped in the noblest of intentions: human rights & social equity. Yet here we find it in the tight embrace of the Productivity Commission, with its steadfast gaze fixed on economic rationalism. Can we really balance cold, hard economics with the warm, beating heart of human rights? Let's take a dive into this delightful dichotomy, shall we?
Human Rights vs. The Almighty Dollar:
Here we stand, at the crossroads of humanity & efficiency. #NDIS is rooted in the idea that every individual deserves to thrive, not just survive. Yet, along comes the #Productivity Commission with its calculator & spreadsheets, preaching the gospel of cost-effectiveness. Must the right to a dignified life be justified by a cost-benefit analysis? Is a person’s value determined by their #economic output or their ability to buy into market-driven solutions?
The Mirage of #Choice & Control:
The NDIS promises choice & control, a veritable buffet of services at the fingertips of those it serves. But what happens when the market, that supposed savior of efficiency, decides that some choices are more profitable than others? What if the #market looks at a remote rural area & sees not people, but logistical nightmares & thin margins? Does economic rationalism then dictate that choice is merely a luxury item, available only to those in the right zip code?
Revisiting Values—A Call for a Human Rights Audit:
It’s time to sift through the layers of economic jargon & ask: Are we prioritizing ledger entries over legacies of inclusivity? The NDIS needs a values audit, a serious sit-down with itself to remember its core mission. This isn't just about aligning numbers; it's about aligning with principles that recognize the inherent worth of every individual, regardless of their economic 'utility'.
Inclusive Policymaking—Nothing About Us Without Us:
To realign with its humanistic roots, the NDIS must do more than pay lip service to stakeholder engagement. It means giving a genuine seat at the table to those who live the reality of disability every day. Not as token participants, but as powerful voices shaping policy. After all, who better to navigate the needs of the disabled than those who navigate these challenges themselves?
Humanity at the Helm:
Let's weave human rights back into the fabric of NDIS, treating economic advice as just that—advice, not doctrine. It’s about constructing a scheme that sees people as more than potential profit centers or economic burdens.
In the grand scheme, it’s a balancing act, isn't it? On one scale, you have economic rationalism, weighing down with its heavy logic of numbers & efficiency. On the other, the weightless, yet profound, principles of human dignity & rights. The task ahead? To ensure that in this balancing act, we don’t just balance books, but also balance lives. Now, wouldn’t that be something to behold?
We love this fun snapshot of Studio A! Thank you to Westpac Wire for spending the day with us and of course the Westpac Foundation for their continued support of our artists.❤️