Last week our Managing Director, Victor cut the ribbon on this new purpose-built service centre in Hastings. Situated in Longlands, this facility has 6 lanes including a COF Bay, and state-of-the-art fluid and oil extraction systems. It's the second new facility we've opened this year as part of our commitment to building a nationwide service network.
I worked in Henderson road, then we moved to Omahu, now you have a further building. Unfortunately I'm not living in NZ now, or I would drop in for a visit. Congrats !
Looks great, best of luck
Fantastic project - well done
Congratulations, Victor José Neonato Monteiro de Carvalho, on inaugurating the new purpose-built service centre in New Zealand! A significant milestone that reflects our commitment to excellence and customer support.
Well done, congratulations Victor & team.
Vitao vc faz falta
Congrats Team, Awesome project to be involved with!!
Continue crescendo
Amazing work! Congratulations
Tecnico em Operação
3wParabéns! Sucesso!!!!