After ten years of leading BECCA Europe, now TrueMotion, I’ll be stepping down from my role as Creative Director on May 13th, 2024.
In 2014, I started my consultancy to support cultural initiatives in European project development and fundraising. This was the start of an incredible professional journey, both as entrepreneur and consultant. I have had the pleasure and privilege to work with so many talented, visionary and innovative people in the arts & culture sector. Together, we established some great European projects and partnerships, addressing important cultural and societal issues. To name a few:
➡ We strengthened European infrastructure in music with ESNS and SPOT Groningen, in literature with Wintertuin, in immersive worlds with VRDays Foundation, in the library sector with KB and many more. Looking back, I notice a big shift in thinking about mobility, co-productions and knowledge sharing – from a ‘the more the merrier’ approach to focused strategies, green travel, and impact-driven collaborations.
➡ We worked on democratic participation and human rights with, amongst others, Are We Europe, De Kiesmannen, Theater Na de Dam, and Movies that Matter. While democracy and journalism have a tough time (to say the least!) these initiatives continue their pioneering work in an ever-more challenging environment. Keep up the good work!
➡ We innovated the audiovisual sector with ODMedia, Ticketing Group, Picl, Cinekid, and many more. I’ve learned that innovation inherently means trial and error, and can be done with a commercial goal or driven by more artistic ideals – and these aims can also go hand in hand, especially in Europe.
➡ We helped launch some amazing projects that boosted the representation and visibility of marginalised groups through culture and creativity, with First Noble Institute, ZID theater, OUTtv Media B.V., and others. As a privileged individual, I’m humbled and awed by those facing the challenges imposed on them by our unfair societal systems.
➡ We supported creative climate action with What Design Can Do, and learned that the biggest challenge is to completely redesign our way of living.
Over the years, we raised more than 40 million euros for our cultural partners in Europe, which enabled a huge number of artists and cultural professionals to do what they do best.
Of course, this all has been a team effort. I’m very thankful to my dear colleagues at TrueMotion Consultancy: Maureen Blache, Bella Schuster, Aine Leamy, Eva Cozar and business partner David Dixon, who will continue this critical work in fundraising for culture. You know where to find them:
What’s next?
I hope my work through BECCA Europe and TrueMotion has had a positive impact on the European cultural and creative sector, which has always been and continues to be my driving purpose. I will continue to put my knowledge and experience in strategic fundraising and advocacy for culture to use in various ways. Stay tuned!
6moCongratulation! It was a big competition:) very honoured to be part of it!