This morning, I'm privileged to be one of the panelists at the Industrial Advisory Committee (IAC) Summit organised by the German-Malaysian Institute (GMI), themed 'Malaysian Landscape - Towards TVET Professional' together with Klaus Landhaeusser of Bosch Malaysia, Solihin Yusoff, of GMI, & was well moderated by Michelle A. of Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry | AHK Malaysia.
Without doubt, TVET has gained prominence in Malaysia due to its potential to drive economic growth and social development, and we must recognise that efforts to improve the TVET system have been ongoing over the past decade. However, the challenges remain.
Here are 4 key challenges from macro pov:
1. Governance complexities: Our TVET system grapples with overlapping jurisdiction and standards. We have 12 ministries, 1,344 institutions across.
2. Fragmented delivery - TVET delivery lacks coherence due to challenge #1.
3. Lack of recognition for technologists - TVET graduates, especially technologists, are still facing societal bias. TVET is still regarded as an inferior option to academic pathway.
4. Inability to keep up with the tech and industry pace, both from machineries and equipment perspective as well as competencies, skillset and qualifications of TVET instructors.
(What's new, right?)
Moving on to the solutions.
1. Establishment of National TVET Council, or Sekretariat Majlis TVET Negara (MTVET), placed under YAB DPM. Focus will be on addressing the above challenges, particularly on governance, coordination, and more importantly bringing all key stakeholders together - Gov, institutions and industry.
2. Development of National TVET Policy - which is expected to be completed by June 2024.
3. In tandem with MTVET aspiration, from Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp) perspective, we believe the industry participation should be sectoral based instead of individual company based. Hence, we have established an industry driven Future Skills Talent Council (FSTC), which we are piloting with the E&E sector. Via FSTC, industry leaders will play a key role to identify the skills needed for the evolving demands of their respective sectors and drive the necessary training - thus, talents’ skills are upgraded based on current and future needs.
4. We have also launched the MyNext TVET platform, allowing TVET talents to gain access to a suite of profiling assessment and resources that can help them in kickstarting their careers. It also benefits the institutions (analytics and evidence based interventions) and companies (access to interns pool and gain double tax incentive under our National Structured Internship Programme, MySIP).
5. Societal perspective - we need to celebrate more inspiring TVET stories and make it a pathway of choice for our future generations.
Ending this TVET discussion with a quote by Roy T. Bennett, "If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down."
managing director/artist Tactical Manoeuvre, Inc. artist/visual designer creator of iconic legendary light spectacles: Pink Floyd; Paul McCartney; Empire State Building...
1whappy holidays!!!!!👍🏻💯🙏🏻🏄🏻♂️