Check out our newest partnership with SIMPLi 🎊 🥗
We are thrilled to announce that you can now find SIMPLi Kalamata Olives at NAYA! 🎉 🫒 With locations in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, NAYA provides authentic and nutritious Middle Eastern meals that are full of flavor and fresh ingredients. We are so excited to be working with their team to provide SIMPLi’s Kalamata olives on their menu and contribute to their mission where “eating well becomes a journey of discovery and delight”. Like NAYA, SIMPLi is committed to providing ingredients that are not only great for your body and the planet’s ecosystems, but also taste incredibly delicious! Nutritious meals don’t have to be boring - and NAYA and our Kalamata olives are proof of that! 😉 Find a NAYA near you and be sure to add an extra portion of SIMPLi olives to your bowl to help us celebrate! Learn more about our delicious Kalamata olives, where they come from, and where else you can find them IRL: #EatSIMPLi #NAYA #ProductLaunch #NewLaunch #BigAnnouncement #PartnerSpotlight #KalamataOlives #Community #Connection #ProductExpansion
Beyond excited to have launched with you all! 😍