If you experience problems when setting up LinkedIn Matched Audiences to enable website retargeting, contact targeting (data integration), company or contact targeting (CSV upload), or using Conversions API, try the following troubleshooting steps.
Website retargeting matches website visitors to LinkedIn member accounts for further engagement through ad campaigns. Since not all website visitors are known LinkedIn member accounts, it’s possible that only a portion of your website traffic is being captured as your website audience. If your audience size is building and showing fewer than 300:
- Confirm that your Insight Tag has been placed on all of the desired pages on your website.
- Ensure that your URL match rules are set up as desired.
- Wait for more LinkedIn member accounts to visit your website.
My status is showing as no signal:
- Confirm that your Insight Tag has been properly placed on your website.
- Ensure that retargeting was set up properly and a segment has been created.
- Try using a compatible tag management system.
- Verify if your website audience was modified in the last 90 days as this could have caused the website audience to stop working.
- Check that the Insight Tag is still on the website and correctly placed.
- Check that the URLs set up in Campaign Manager match the pages you are trying to track, and the pages you're trying to track have an Insight Tag placed in the code.
Important to know
It can take up to 48 hours (on a rare occasion, longer) for your segments to be sent from your data integration provider, especially if your list is large.
- Lists from LiveRamp can sometimes take 5-7 days to arrive in Campaign Manager Tool. Learn more about connecting to your contact management platform.
If it's been more than 72 hours, please contact our support team with your segment name, account ID, and expected match rate for further assistance.
It's possible that the audience count is smaller than the segment size after the segment is pushed to Campaign Manager because one member can have multiple emails on LinkedIn. For example, if your segment contains a list of emails and a member has a secondary email verified on LinkedIn, they may be associated with more than one email.
It can take up to 48 hours (on a rare occasion, longer) for your segments to be sent from your data integration provider, especially if your list is large.
If it's been more than 72 hours, please contact our support team with your segment name, account ID, and expected match rate for further assistance.
A building list status indicates that LinkedIn’s system has not yet finished matching your list with LinkedIn member accounts. The processing step can take up to 48 hours (on a rare occasion, longer).
- Try using one of our templates to upload your list.
- If your list has been in the building step for more than 72 hours you can try uploading your list again as a new audience, checking that it meets the list requirements. If your list meets the requirements and does not complete processing after 72 hours, please contact your LinkedIn representative or our support team.
- Try using one of our templates to upload your list.
Your segment was successfully uploaded and processed, but the Matched Audience is too small to be used. The minimum audience size required to start a campaign is 300 member accounts. You can add more companies or contacts to your segment to increase the size of your Matched Audience segment.
Confirm that your list headers in your CSV file are correct and don't contain any special characters.
- Supported company targeting headers:
- companyname
- companywebsite
- companyemaildomain
- linkedincompanypageurl
- stocksymbol
- industry
- city
- state
- companycountry
- zipcode
- Supported contact targeting headers:
- firstname
- lastname
- jobtitle
- employeecompany
- country
- appleidfa
- googleaid
- googleuid
Try using one of our templates to upload your list.
Make sure your list was saved as a CSV file.
Once your list has fully processed and is applied to your targeting set-up, it can take an additional 24 hours for your list audience to be incorporated into your targeting audience. If your live campaign is seeing no delivery and your list was applied to the targeting over 24 hours ago:
- Check that your bid is competitive.
- Verify that your campaign audience size is more than 300 member accounts. If your selected company or contact targeting list has fewer than 300 member accounts, you can select multiple lists to meet the minimum audience size requirement. Keep in mind that location is a required targeting criteria and may decrease your audience size.
- Pause your campaign and then reactivate it.
- If the suggestions above don’t resolve your issue, reach out directly to your LinkedIn representative or contact our support team.
For company targeting, providing the LinkedIn Page URL is the most efficient way to match.
- The LinkedIn Page URL will look like the following: https://www.linkedin.com/company/linkedin/
- For best match results, the Page URL should include the company name at the end of the URL, not a number ID.
- You can view companies that have both been matched and unmatched to your list by viewing a Company Engagement Report. To help with matching companies that were unmatched, review the list of unmatched companies and re-upload the company list. Keep in mind that including the LinkedIn Page URL increases the chance of matching.
- Learn more about match rates.
Make sure you remove all hidden characters in your hashed email list. You can try hashing the following sample emails to check whether you generate the same output to ensure your hashing is correct.
- Input: foo@bar.com
- Output: 0c7e6a405862e402eb76a70f8a26fc732d07c32931e9fae9ab1582911d2e8a3b
- Input: sample@email.com
- Output: 7b1b346f4bf19eab45088922bde9577b1e8e34db3e537db755d3c0d97d42213d
- Input: bar@foo.com
- Output: e0ee9d02824d4320a999507150c5b8a371c635c41f645ba3a7205f36384dc199
If you’re not getting a viable audience, review the best practices for Conversions API for tips on getting improved signal quality and performance.
If you see Low Match Rate below Active for your conversion in the Status column of your Conversion Tracking table, review ways to improve the signal quality, which is the effectiveness of matching the event to a LinkedIn profile.
- Keep in mind, this is only for conversions based on Direct API integration.
- To find your Conversion Tracking table, click Measurement on the left menu in Campaign Manager, then select Conversion Tracking. From here, you can review the Status column.