Anyone in sales or marketing should read this so you don't waste peoples time. Had an in-mail on Monday from a company.....
The gist was, we know you get a shit ton of emails, we can manage the noise for you. Because we are confident this will work for you, we will give you $50 doordash gift card for taking a call.
As many know, I try to take a demo a week from companies to learn whats available in the market. As a small company, I am always looking for ways to optimize my time. If it will help my business then great. Add a free $50 gift card for taking a call, it intrigued me (my wife will dig it) so I scheduled the call.
I then joined the call on yesterday morning. They however, did not join. 🤔
I then emailed the lady and said, "hey, I am on the call is anyone joining?" 15 minute wasted. The past two days, I have gotten 5 calls from the company. I finally answer for them to tell me sorry you are not in our target market so it doesn't make sense for us to demo and because we are not demoing to you we won't give you the gift card. Hope we didn't waste to much of your time......
Now 3 things.
1) I couldn't give 2 shits about the gift card but it was enough to entice me to join the demo. You know, the one you didn't join...... (side note if you want to do this, use Pitchfire)
2) If you are going to make this offer, you should know who your target market actually is before making the offer. You are making your employees, who had nothing to do with this in-mail, look like assholes for telling someone "sorry, our marketing sucks and I am stuck telling you we won't give you what we promised because we suck"
3) You did waste my time.
Moral of the story, if you are offering to pay someone for their time with a Gift Card or with $$ you should really do your due diligence before messaging them...... not after. You will look awful and people like myself who are looking for their daily content will write about it.
#sales #marketing #dobetter