You're struggling to connect with clients. How can you uncover your blind spots in communication?
To truly connect with clients, it's essential to understand where your communication might falter. Here's how to reveal and address those blind spots:
- Solicit honest feedback. Ask clients or colleagues for input on your communication style.
- Reflect on past interactions. Consider moments of misunderstanding to identify patterns.
- Seek training or mentorship. Professional development can provide new perspectives and skills.
Would love to hear how you've overcome communication challenges in your client relationships.
You're struggling to connect with clients. How can you uncover your blind spots in communication?
To truly connect with clients, it's essential to understand where your communication might falter. Here's how to reveal and address those blind spots:
- Solicit honest feedback. Ask clients or colleagues for input on your communication style.
- Reflect on past interactions. Consider moments of misunderstanding to identify patterns.
- Seek training or mentorship. Professional development can provide new perspectives and skills.
Would love to hear how you've overcome communication challenges in your client relationships.