• Responsible Recovery and Recycling Services

    Help protect our planet together

    • Fast facts. Recycling solutions edition.

    • Personal equipment

      • It’s free and easy.
      • We accept any brand of used computers and electronics in any condition.
      • In many locations, you can drop-off used equipment for free recycling and support your community.
      • We provide free mail-back recycling services globally.
    • Business equipment

      • We accept any brand of owned or leased IT equipment.
      • We manage end-to-end logistics.
      • Your data stays safe: We sanitize your equipment as part of the recycling process.
      • We’ll help you unlock value in your old equipment or recycle it.
      • We provide you comprehensive reporting for all equipment recycled.
    • Recycling Services

      Delivering solutions for a sustainable future

      See how Dell is accelerating sustainability through services.

    • You have recycling questions. We have the answers.

    • Our recycling story

      We began offering recycling services in 1996. Since 2007, we have recovered more than 2.5 billion pounds (1.1B kg) of used electronics. Our focus is to recover more e-waste by making more customers aware of our recycling solutions, introducing our services in new places, and returning the most value to customers. It’s part of our commitment to advance a circular economy.

    • Our 2030 moonshot goals

      There is always more we can do to protect our planet. That is why we have set goals to take back as much equipment as we produce and increase our use of recycled and renewable materials.

    • Focus on sustainability

      Protecting the planet takes collaboration. We are always honored to work with and be recognized by stakeholder organizations like:

    • APCO logo
    • EPA logo
    • ICEA logo
    • Letsrecycle.com logo
    • Responsible Business Alliance logo
    • Join us in the journey towards a more sustainable future

      It may be time to part ways with your device, but you can rest easy knowing that we have the resources to repurpose and recycle computer equipment to make the world a better place for all. With your help we can protect the planet by advancing circular economy.

    • Driving the future of sustainable product design

      To push the boundaries of sustainable laptop design, we partnered with Intel to create Concept Luna. This prototype explores revolutionary ideas to make components easily accessible, replaceable and reusable, reducing resources and keeping more circular materials in use.