Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesUnveiling Azure OpenAI Service Provisioned Reservations and hourly pricing We're excited to announce a new way to procure provisioned throughput without friction! Right-size your PTU deployment and save big Provisioned Throughput Units are expensive. Or are they? Re: Enable GPT failover with Azure OpenAI and Azure API Management Joey_E84nice! thanks for your contribution! Enable GPT failover with Azure OpenAI and Azure API Management Improve availability and user experience of your generative AI applications with Azure Open AI and Azure API Management! Re: Enable GPT failover with Azure OpenAI and Azure API Management Joey_E84 would you mind giving this another try and letting me know? Combine Semantic Kernel with Azure Machine Learning prompt flow Don't choose between Semantic Kernel and prompt flow! Deploy your Azure Machine Learning prompt flow on virtually any platform Prompt flow is one of the most exciting tools that you can leverage to orchestrate your generative AI applications. Did you know that you can execute your flow pretty much anywhere?