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Breaking Bad (2008-2013)

5 seasons
4,40 4.947 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United States

Developed by: Vince Gilligan

Stars: Bryan Cranston, Anna Gunn and Aaron Paul

IMDb score: 9,5 (2.253.132)

Releasedate: Sunday 20 January 2008

Breaking Bad plot

Walter White (Bryan Cranston) is struggling through life as a high school chemistry teacher. Everything changes when Walter is diagnosed with lung cancer. With not long to live, he asks one of his former students to make and sell methamphetamines together, thus building a drug empire.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Walter White

Jesse Pinkman

Emilio Koyama

Jane Margolis

Skyler White

Hank Schrader

Marie Schrader

Walter White Jr.

Saul Goodman

Videos and trailers

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Opinions about Breaking Bad

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.

avatar of knusse stoel

knusse stoel

  • 212 votes
Thursday 11 March 2021
Breaking Bad season 1

I watched the series almost in one go over 2 years ago, ie about 1 season a month excluding all the movies. And my dear, what a great series this was, you get into drama, into a thriller and not to forget the crime. The characters, what a nicely gathered group of actors! Great in one word!
A series enthusiast should have "seen" this in his list.
Now I can go on jubilant about "Breaking Bad" but I prefer to say to the reader(s); "go see it for yourself" and you'll know why pretty much everyone is so positive about this series!
My average grade is a 9+!

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  • 254 votes
Friday 17 November 2017
Breaking Bad season 1

Disappointing series that progresses slowly and where the episodes are almost all the same. The posturing around Walter and his wife is exhausting and sometimes it seems like there is no end to it. Paul is quite obnoxious and is no match for Cranston as an actor. What is worth seeing is Cranston's role; the series must have it from him; everything around it is not that strong.

dutch flagTranslated from Dutch · View original