John Robinson's #QuorumPrinciple is gaining global interest. The UK has the largest concentration of advocates for the concept from both manufacturers and the supplier ecosystem and many of them met yesterday in London at Make UK. STRAKT's purpose and methods support the principle that collaboration within multidisciplinary teams focused on customer value, is the best way to improve sustainability and productivity. #RadicalCollaboration Indeed our #ProjectFlow methodology starts with discovery where customers, suppliers and the core project team get together to explore the problem/opportunity and identify what they don't know. So we, with the other advocates, are proud to be supporting John Robinson and this UK Initiative to deliver a step change in manufacturing performance and build a model that can be replicated globally! #shoutaboutukmfg #supportukmfg #ukmanufacturing #STRAKT
Creator of The Quorum Principle™. Helping leaders adopt a paradigm shift in their approach to performance improvement
Yesterday was the start of something that could be a game changer. Not just here in the UK but globally. An incredible range of very talented people representing every corner of UK manufacturing. Together in one room and with one common interest, UK Manufacturing. All in broad agreement on the need for change and the way to do it - radical collaboration. The goal moving forward is to create a working model here in the UK that creates a template for other economies to follow. This should be an interesting ride! Thanks to everyone who attended and those who couldn't make it on the day but were there in spirit!