This video of Frank Dick provides a wonderful summary of how individuals build world class performance and it’s something that articulates many of the ideas behind the STRAKT way. Winning is being better today than you were yesterday. Don’t compare yourself to others, focus on improving you own performance every day. Tough arenas challenge you to perform better. Don’t go around them. Learn by doing. You don’t learn to climb mountains by using a ladder…you climb mountains by climbing mountains. Leaders must have a clear shared vision. Their job is to deliver that and delegate the day to day and not the other way round. The young athlete in this example owned her vision and was supported by a great coach. We have a few more ideas. Improvement requires a balance of people improvement and process improvement. Focus on one and you don’t get the other. Economics of flow always beat economies of scale….always. Name a market leader and you’ll see flow. Co-located multidisciplinary teams in high bandwidth environments will always out perform isolated workers forced to work using Zoom and Monday like tools. The difference is measured in orders of magnitude. Technology is an amazing enabler, when kept simple and focused on value creation rather than job creation. Ryan Badcock 🌟 Chris Cooper Jon Hill #Alwaysimprove #producitivity #winning

What is Winning?

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