RAILWAY MISSION is a Christian faith-based charity offering independent, confidential, impartial pastoral care to the railway community and members of the public affected by rail operations. Each of our regionally-based chaplains aims to be an impartial ‘friend’ for those who work on the railways. Regardless of faith, gender, sexual orientation, our chaplains offer face-to-face year around support, especially during an individual’s time of loneliness, stress, depression, bereavement or illness.
Many are experiencing family breakdown, mental ill-health, bereavement, financial difficulties, being victims of crime and much more. Rail staff approach our chaplains for support through these difficult times as a friend and colleague, rather than phone a stranger to receive counselling support to talk through personal difficulties. But railway chaplains have also supported railway staff and police in the aftermath of major incidents, such as train crashes or terror attacks.
Railway Mission is an independent non-denominational Christian charity, providing pastoral support to railway staff & members of the public affected by rail operations
Having a confidential listener is important for anyone who is struggling with the difficulties of life. Where there's a risk of harm to an individual or others, as far as possible we'll work with a person to find the best avenue for help.
Impartiality is essential to ensure that our support is given entirety without any outside influence, from either railway companies or from a persons manager or colleagues.
Non-profit Organization Management
Company size
11-50 employees
Rugby, Warwickshire