About us

Founded in 2010, DL Family Office is committed to aligning closely with our clients' interests. We provide a comprehensive suite of multi-family office services, including asset management, family trust formation, insurance, residency planning, and philanthropy. Additionally, our sister company, DL Securities, offers expert corporate finance advice. Headquartered in Hong Kong, we maintain offices in Shanghai, San Francisco, Singapore and Tokyo. Our parent organization, DL Holdings Group, is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (1709.HK) and manages assets exceeding US$3 billion. We hold various licenses from the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) for Type 1, Type 4, Type 6, and Type 9 regulated activities, alongside a fund management license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore and a Cayman Islands SIBL fund management license. Additionally, we have established over 18 limited partnership funds (LPF) in Hong Kong. DL Holdings aims to establish itself as a preeminent global brand in independent wealth management across Asia.

Financial Services
Company size
11-50 employees
Central & Western District
Public Company


Employees at DL Family Office


  • 我们很荣幸能登上Citywire Asia的《Independent Wealth Power Players 2024》特刊!🎉 特别感谢Citywire Asia邀请德林家族办公室CEO贺之颖女士(Crystal He)向读者介绍德林家族办公室,并分享公司近两年的历程。 在采访中,Crystal对德林家族办公室未来五年的发展作出规划及设想,Crystal表示:“在未来五年内,我们的目标是管理超过100亿美元的资产,这不仅将增加我们的总资产,还将增强我们的买方力量。” 我们非常感谢能够参与Citywire Asia这一次的特别策划,这本特刊展现了*亚洲地区外部资产管理行业(EAM)*的活力与发展潜力,让德林家族办公室和众多行业从业者一起描绘出行业的蓝图。 德林家族办公室对亚太地区财富管理行业的未来充满信心。我们期待与行业从业者携手,共同推动独立财富管理行业迈向更美好的未来!🌏 点击阅读Citywire Asia对德林家族办公室CEO贺之颖女士的完整访问:https://lnkd.in/gC9dBkp2

    Top IAMs Citywire Asia 2411

    Top IAMs Citywire Asia 2411


  • We are delighted to be featured in Citywire Asia's Independent Wealth Power Players 2024 edition! 🎉 Thank you, Citywire Asia, for inviting DL Family Office's CEO, Crystal He , to share insights about our’s journey, including our client base, AUM, growth drivers, and revenue model. In the interview, Crystal envisioned an exciting future:"In the next five years, we aim to manage over $10bn in assets, which will not only increase our overall AUM but also enhance our buy-side power." We truly appreciate the opportunity to be part of such a meaningful edition, which highlights the dynamic and rapidly evolving external asset management (EAM) industry in Asia, let DL Family Office work together with numerous industry professionals to shape the blueprint of the industry. At DL Family Office, we are optimistic about the future of wealth management in the APAC region. We look forward to working with other industry players to shape a brighter future for independent wealth management. Together, we can achieve great things! 🌏 Click to read the full Citywire Asia interview with Crystal He: https://lnkd.in/gC9dBkp2

    Top IAMs Citywire Asia 2411

    Top IAMs Citywire Asia 2411


  • Our soft opening was a huge success! 🙌 We were truly blown away by the amazing turnout and warm support from everyone. 🥰 We’re incredibly grateful to our clients, partners, and team for making this milestone possible. This is just the beginning, and we’re more excited than ever for what’s to come! 🌟乔迁新址,新征程开启!感谢大家的支持与信任,未来我们将继续追求卓越! 👏

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  • DL Family Office reposted this

    香港今年重启投资移民计划,申请者需投资至少3000万,其中300万必须配置在香港投资管理公司(港投公司)的投资组合。港投公司昨日(11日)披露New CIES投资组合运作细节。德林家族办公室DL Family Office 今日发文解读《把握创投机遇:德林家族办公室对300万港元创投的解析与策略建议》,欢迎大家阅读与分享 👏 https://lnkd.in/g7TeBgmi

  • DL Family Office reposted this

    近日,德林控股集团(1709.HK)因出色的业绩表现及细致的员工关怀,获得香港强制性公积金计划管理局Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA)颁发的“积金好雇主”荣誉称号。该奖项彰显了德林控股“视雇员为宝贵资产”的理念,亦体现出香港特区政府机构对本集团践行ESG理念工作的认可。 香港强制性公积金计划管理局于2015年发起“积金好雇主”嘉许计划,旨在推动和促进香港当地雇主遵守强积金法例,鼓励雇主为雇员提供更佳的退休福利,并嘉许身体力行的模范雇主。该计划实施以来,备受各行业重视,参与企业屡创新高,今年共有2415间企业参与“积金好雇主”申请。 德林控股荣获该奖项的原因,与长久以来践行ESG理念密不可分。成立十四年以来,德林控股一直致力于慈善行动与承担社会责任,在青年育才、妇女权益以及动物保护等方面不断努力。在人文社会层面,德林控股发起“东方之行”项目支持美国弱势学生进行中美跨境文化交流;参与资助香港岛妇女联会,支持和保护女性权益;亦通过“Save a Pal”项目保护和拯救小动物,成为无国界的爱心传递者。在金融服务层面,集团已将ESG策略融入到整体投资组合中,进行ESG投资框架下的影响力投资。 在员工福利方面,德林控股为员工提供完善的医疗保障及强积金缴纳,定期开展内部培训、员工交流活动,2024年初带领香港、上海、新加坡等分公司员工前往普吉岛举办年会及团建活动,在团建中增强彼此信赖,树立企业荣誉感。 德林控股董事局主席陈宁迪Andy Chen表示:“人才是公司的核心资产。今年初我们给在德林奉献10年的员工颁发了‘特殊贡献奖’,是一笔可观的股票激励。我非常感谢他们对公司的付出,也期待着更多优秀员工和我们携手同行、创造奇迹。”

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  • 德林家族办公室新发布了《2024第四季度展望:正常化之路》,其中包括以下精彩看点: 在去全球化和美国财政赤字高企的背景下,美国是否存在结构性通胀风险?若长期美联储基金利率下降并稳定在3%左右,近期反弹之后,美国国债还存在多少收紧的空间? 内地公布了一系列刺激经济计划,投资者应如何乘上“降息和支持资本市场”的东风投资股票?预期哪些领域将出现不错的回报? 第二季度金价达到历史最高水平,超过每盎司2600美元,由于美国利率下降、美元走软以及中东地缘政治紧张局势加剧,市场预计2025年金价可能升至每盎司2800-3000美元。现在是投资黄金的好时机吗? 鉴于美国房地产市场供应短缺和强劲的基本面,我们坚定认为美国房地产市场存在诱人的机会。美国哪些区域的优越稀缺房产最具升值潜力? …… 欲了解更多,请发送邮件至:ops@dl-family.com 获取《2024第四季度展望:正常化之路》全文。

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    德林家族办公室DL Family Office新发布了《2024第四季度展望:正常化之路》,其中包括以下精彩看点: 在去全球化和美国财政赤字高企的背景下,美国是否存在结构性通胀风险?若长期美联储基金利率下降并稳定在3%左右,近期反弹之后,美国国债还存在多少收紧的空间? 内地公布了一系列刺激经济计划,投资者应如何乘上“降息和支持资本市场”的东风投资股票?预期哪些领域将出现不错的回报? 第二季度金价达到历史最高水平,超过每盎司2600美元,由于美国利率下降、美元走软以及中东地缘政治紧张局势加剧,市场预计2025年金价可能升至每盎司2800-3000美元。现在是投资黄金的好时机吗? 鉴于美国房地产市场供应短缺和强劲的基本面,我们坚定认为美国房地产市场存在诱人的机会。美国哪些区域的优越稀缺房产最具升值潜力? …… 欲了解更多,请发送邮件至:ops@dl-family.com 获取《2024第四季度展望:正常化之路》全文。

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  • Thank you to Asian Private Banker, Citywire Asia, and Hubbis for their wonderful articles. 

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    Last week, DL Holdings has announced to enter into an acquisition MOU with a Singapore-based wealth management firm. The preliminary valuation of the target company is expected to be approximately US$50 million. The acquisition will help DL Holdings to expand its footprint in Southeast Asia, explore the Middle East market, and further build a global ecosystem for asset management and investment. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Asian Private Banker, Citywire Asia and Hubbis’s wonderful articles and look forward to our next collaboration☺️ Asian Private Banker: https://lnkd.in/g_K6Nrqx Citywire Asia: https://lnkd.in/gs9qgXfm Hubbis:https://lnkd.in/g2CZ5vin

    Hong Kong’s DL Holdings looks to acquire $2.6bn Singaporean wealth firm

    Hong Kong’s DL Holdings looks to acquire $2.6bn Singaporean wealth firm


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