Super interesting and relevant paper on the cost of dull #ads. Great read, System1! At Adnami, we're all about capturing #attention with quality ads. So we couldn't agree more that high-quality, non-dull ads are key to effectiveness, especially when it comes to #video advertising where you have the chance to go all out on engaging storytelling and emotion. If you work in the #media and #advertising industry you need to check this one out 👇🏽
Our Test Your Ad platform measures the emotional response to ads, focusing on seven key emotions: Happiness, Surprise, Anger, Fear, Sadness, Disgust, and Contempt. Emotion is what builds brands, and these responses predict both the short- and long-term potential of an ad. However, there’s an eighth emotion that often goes unnoticed: Neutrality. Neutrality is the absence of emotion, and it can be as detrimental as it is pervasive. In B2B advertising, the situation is even more alarming: Neutrality dominates, covering 54% of US B2B responses. Emotional ads in the B2B sector can stand out significantly, yet many brands play it safe, leading to a neutral reaction. Based on foundational work from Adam Morgan (eatbigfish) and Peter Field looking at IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising) data on rational vs. emotional advertising and media spend figures, 'The Extraordinary Cost of Dull' research becomes even clearer when adding in emotional response data from our Test Your Ad database. Don’t let your ads fall into the trap of dullness. Discover how to create emotionally engaging ads by downloading the whitepaper: