🔬 As of the last year, our institute is a building larger. On December 12, 2024, IOCB Prague opened its new facility for cryogenic electron microscopy, led by Dr. Tomáš Kouba. The center houses two rare instruments: the 300 kV Krios G4 and 200 kV Glacios microscopes, requiring exceptional isolation from vibrations and external influences. The partially underground building blends seamlessly into the campus with exposed concrete interiors and greenery-covered exteriors. This state-of-the-art facility offers a unique environment for advanced research, further elevating Czech science to global standards. See more ► https://lnkd.in/dyA8hKHu ⤵️ #iocb #iocbprague #akademievedcr #yearinreview #year2024
O nás
Náplní práce ústavu je základní výzkum v oblastech organické chemie, biochemie a příbuzných disciplínách, převážně orientovaný k aplikacím v lékařství a životním prostředí.
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Externí odkaz pro organizaci Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR
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- Výzkumné služby
- Velikost společnosti
- 501–1 000 zaměstnanců
- Ústředí
- Praha 6
- Typ
- Veřejná společnost
- Datum založení
- 1953
Flemingovo nam. 542/2
Praha 6, 160 00, CZ
Zaměstnanci společnosti Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR
💪 Two prestigious ERC grants were awarded to researchers from our institute in the last year. In September, Dr. Paulo Paioti received an ERC Starting Grant of €1.5 million for research on the synthesis of bioactive molecules. His project opens up new opportunities in drug discovery and shows the potential of innovative, risk-taking projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Later in December 2024, Dr. Tomáš Pluskal received an ERC Consolidator Grant for his project #TerpenCode, which applies machine learning to biochemistry to tackle enzyme development challenges. The grant, worth over 2 million euros, will fund his groundbreaking research for the next five years. Dr. Pluskal also earned a place in EMBO’s Young Investigator Programme, a significant accolade recognizing his contributions to science. See more ► https://lnkd.in/dzadjmzR & https://lnkd.in/dYZ_PKnG ⤵️ #iocb #iocbprague #akademievedcr #yearinreview #year2024
💊 Our institute has long been working to cultivate the path of scientific discovery into practice, and we have also surpassed several milestones in this regard over the past year. In June 2024, Adalid Sciences, a Czech biotechnology company linked to IOCB, entered the global gene therapy field thanks to the support from BTL Medical & Healthcare Technologies. The company leverages technologies from IOCB laboratories to advance global gene therapy and bring groundbreaking research closer to patients. Last but not least, a translational center #PharmTheon in Prague’s Harfa district opened its state-of-the-art laboratories in April 2024. The center accelerates the transformation of promising molecules into potential drugs. i&i Prague, biotechnology incubator from IOCB Tech family, continued to support the commercialization of unique scientific ideas. The year 2024 was marked by piloting a new incubation program and mapping foreign markets. In addition, as a co-organizer, i&i Prague participated in the organization of the 2nd annual Prague.bio Conference, which took place in Prague at the end of September. Related i&i Biotech Fund, of which i&i Prague is a limited partner, also continued to seek out and support the unique life science projects from Central Europe. Several promising startups were added to its portfolio, which have the potential to bring new solutions in the fields of drug discovery, diagnostics, and medtech. Furthermore, the 10th Prague–Weizmann Summer School for Drug Discovery and Development from Basic Research to Clinical Trials was also co-organized by IOCB Prague, University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (UCT Prague), and the Weizmann Institute of Science, with financial support of IOCB Tech. Prague Summer school welcomed 141 participants from 20 countries. See more ► uochb.cz/en/news/605 & uochb.cz/en/news/617 ⤵️ #iocb #iocbprague #akademievedcr #yearinreview #year2024
🙌 Happy New Year from IOCB Prague and IOCB Boston! May 2025 bring you new bonds and groundbreaking discoveries. ___ 🇨🇿 Šťastný nový rok vám přeje ÚOCHB & IOCB Boston! Ať je pro vás rok 2025 plný nových vazeb i průlomových objevů.
👨🔬 On October 18, 2024, IOCB Prague opened its new branch called IOCB Boston in the USA, marking its expansion as the first Czech Academy of Sciences institute to go overseas. Located near top institutions like Harvard, MIT, and Boston Medical Center, this milestone strengthens connections with global scientific leaders. The opening ceremony brought together Czech representatives, leading academics including Prof. Harvey Lodish and Prof. Bob Weinberg, and Charles University Rector Milena Kralickova. Such partnerships enhance the chance that cutting-edge research translates into practical outcomes, like the development of novel drugs. See more ► https://lnkd.in/dHh_tKit ⤵️ #iocb #iocbprague #akademievedcr #yearinreview #year2024
🎉 At the start of next year, IOCB Prague will promote three junior research groups to senior status, recognizing the excellence and impact of their work. Led by Hana Macíčková Cahová (Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids), Zuzana Keckesova (Tumor Suppressors), and Tomáš Slanina (Redox Photochemistry), these groups will receive greater support and more stable positions. Dr. Cahová and Dr. Slanina hold prestigious ERC grants, while Dr. Kečkéšová benefits from significant private funding. Since November, a new senior group, led by Václav Veverka (Chromatin Structural Biology), has also been active at IOCB. See more ► https://lnkd.in/dAF-AtAY ⤵️ #iocb #iocbprague #akademievedcr #yearinreview #year2024
🎄 Za Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR vám přejeme krásné a klidné vánoční svátky plné radosti a pohody. 🫶 ___ 🇪🇺 On behalf of IOCB Prague, we wish you a joyful and peaceful holiday season filled with happiness and warmth. 🫶 #vanoce #christmas2024
Uživatel Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR to přesdílel
🌺 💨 Egypťané, Řekové i Římané využívali vonné masti, oleje a parfémy v rituálech, medicíně i kosmetice. 🧴🌸Po více než 2000 letech se antické vůně pokoušejí „oživit“ vědci z mezioborového týmu kanadského badatele Seana Coughlina, jenž působí ve Filosofickém ústavu AVČR a Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR. Čtěte ⬇️ https://lnkd.in/dHk7x2wF
🙌 Congratulations to Zuzana Keckesova from IOCB Prague for being chosen as one of the 2025 NextGen Stars in oncology research. This prestigious award is given annually by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and reflects the great potential, originality, and creativity of early career scientists in the area of cancer research. 11 talented scientists were awarded the NextGen Stars status for 2025. Together with her research group, Zuzana Kečkéšová is dedicated to finding compounds that inhibit cancer cell growth – potentially leading her research to new possibilities in the fight against various types of cancer. See more ► https://lnkd.in/dDiexAfJ ⤵️ #nextgenstars #iocb #iocbprague #uochb #ceskaveda #aacr
Uživatel Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR to přesdílel
Předvánoční setkání na IOCB Prague - Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences s naší stipendistkou Zuzanou Osifovou nám udělalo velkou radost. Po dvou měsících její stáže na izraelském Weizmann Institute of Science nebyla o témata nouze – povídali jsme si o vědě, NMR, Izraeli, náletech, proměnách, úspěších i snech. Své postřehy Zuzka sepisuje na skvělém blogu Magnety a rakety. Nový příspěvek o jejím „evropském turné“ vyšel právě dnes: https://lnkd.in/eCF4me4H Zuzko, děkujeme za milé setkání, přejeme klidné české Vánoce a hladký návrat na stáž 🍀