🎊 We are excited to announce that from 2025 we will receive a 3-year support from KlimUp / Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz Zürich / Stadt Zürich to push our mission of scaling #CDR in Switzerland sustainably and in a collaborative manner. Thanks for the trust and the engagement of our members as well as the whole CDR ecosystem! KlimUp: https://lnkd.in/ddWHYeNh Nicolas Solenthaler, Samuel E., Nicole Blasko, Matthias Holenstein, Stiftung Risiko-Dialog
Swiss Carbon Removal Platform
We connect stakeholders, inform the public debate and initiate joint innovation in order to scale-up #CDR in Switzerland
Scaling Up Carbon Dioxide Removal. Sustainably. Together. Switzerland’s long-term climate strategy depends on a rapid scale-up of carbon dioxide removal (CDR). The Swiss Carbon Removal Platform aims at empowering Switzerland to reach its climate goal by connecting stakeholders, informing the public debate and initiating joint innovation.
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Last week, we celebrated 🎉our fourth CDR Swiss Member Assembly with an inspiring and collaborative event. Together, we reflected on our achievements, discussed the future, and fostered connections within the Swiss Carbon Removal Platform, facilitated by Stiftung Risiko-Dialog. After reflecting on our highlights from 2024 and a brief outlook for 2025, we enjoyed: ✨ A fascinating presentation by Björn Niesen (Empa) on "Mining the Atmosphere," exploring innovative methods to transform atmospheric CO2 into valuable materials. ✨ A compelling panel discussion on the Social Acceptance of CDR Infrastructure, with Juanita von Rothkirch (ETH Zürich TdLab), Lisa Haemmerli (Kanton Aargau), and Leandro de Angelis (WWF Switzerland), offering valuable insights into the role of public support in advancing #CDRmethods. Between our inputs we also had the two speed dating activities💥💓: finding memory card partners 🐷 🧑🌾 🫏 and sharing thoughts and stories inspired by a chosen emoji 🤩 🤔⛷️😴 🥂. These activities kicked off lively discussions and fostered new connections. A special thank you to all our speakers – Björn Niesen, Juanita von Rothkirch, Lisa Haemmerli, and Leandro de Angelis – and to Nicoletta Brazzola and Anthony Patt for providing the venue and making this event possible. The day concluded with a vibrant Apéro 🥙 🍷, providing time to celebrate and strengthen our connections. A big thank you to all participants for making this event such a success 💪! Together, we’re building a strong foundation for scaling up #CDR – sustainably - together! We are already looking forward to an exiting new year where we can further grow our CDR Swiss community and work towards our goal. Nicolas Solenthaler, Samuel E., Nicole Blasko, Norma De Min, Matthias Holenstein and Stiftung Risiko-Dialog #CarbonRemoval #Sustainability #NetZero #SwissInnovation #CDR #CCS #FirstClimate #SwissCarbonRemovalPlatform #DACCS #BECCS #biochar #negativeemissions #NET #CO2
👇 Read this insightful portrait of Marco Mazzotti who serves on our advisory board and will retire from ETH Zürich soon. Thanks for all your contributions in the fields of CDR / CCS and your fight for a net-zero, hopefully even net-negative future, Marco! 🙏 You can attend his farewell lecture on November 22 in-person or online: https://lnkd.in/d6QbJEWk Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT), ETH Zurich
Marco Mazzotti will be conferred emeritus status at the end of January 2025. A good reason for a portrait of this dedicated #ProcessEngineer, who came to his field of research quite unexpectedly. “I can’t retire with peace of mind,” he says of his soon-to-be-conferred emeritus status. Article: Walter Schmid / ETH Zurich Image: Michel Buechel / ETH Zurich Related: Marco Mazzotti, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT), ETH Zurich, DemoUpCARMA & Storage
Swiss Carbon Removal Platform hat dies direkt geteilt
🌍 Exciting news! We are now backed by the Migros Pioneer Fund! 🎉 This partnership empowers us to further our mission to combat climate change with cutting-edge CO₂ removal technologies. Our technology converts (waste) biomass into carbonisate, which stores carbon "underground" in Switzerland. The goal: a safe and efficient solution for removing CO2 from the atmosphere and a further step towards net zero. With this support, we’re able to bring our solutions to market maturity, expand, and scale to help companies reach net-zero emissions. 🌱 🚀 According to IPCC, technologies for the active reduction of unavoidable CO₂ emissions are indispensable for achieving net-zero by 2050. Moreover, the CO₂ removal technology market holds tremendous economic potential for Switzerland: forecasts from the Boston Consulting Group predict billion-dollar growth by 2030—comparable to today’s oil and gas industry. With around 9% of global jobs in this booming sector already located here, Switzerland is well-positioned for growth. 🤝 The Migros Pioneer Fund’s endorsement is a huge vote of confidence in our vision and a fantastic signal to impact investors seeking sustainable solutions. A big thank you to the Migros Pioneer Fund for believing in us—we're thrilled to embark on this journey toward a more climate-friendly future! 🌿 For more info, see press release in the comments 👇 #ClimateAction #Innovation #Sustainability #CO2Removal #MigrosPioneerFund
On October 31, the CDR Swiss platform hosted an insightful webinar 🖥️ on CDR market -buyers 🛒 and investors 📈. We were honoured to feature Karen Strassel from Carbon Removal Partners (CRP) and Tom Spencer from Swiss Re, who shared their expert perspectives on the evolving CDR market. 🔗 Missed the webinar? Don’t worry—we’ve summarized the key take aways in our latest blog post. Check out our Blogpost https://lnkd.in/dsHRqV3X 📚 1️⃣ Karen Strassel outlined the significance of venture capital in supporting CDR start-ups and emphasized a diversified approach, investing in Direct Air Capture (DAC), BECCS, Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW), and Ocean Capture. 2️⃣Tom Spencer detailed Swiss Re’s 90-10 net-zero strategy and commitment to durable carbon removal certificates through long-term purchase agreements, collaborative buying, and OTC marketplace transactions. The webinar wrapped up with an engaging discussion 🗣️ on CDR’s role in SBTi commitments, quality criteria, and the impact of different funding mechanisms. Thank you to our speakers and participants for joining and engaging in the discussion 🤝. See you at our next webinar in spring 💫! Nicolas Solenthaler, Samuel E., Nicole Blasko, Matthias Holenstein and Stiftung Risiko-Dialog #CDR #CarbonRemoval #Webinar #Investors #buyers #Sustainability #ClimateAction #CarbonMarkets
CDR Swiss Webinar CDR market – buyers and investors - Swiss Carbon Removal Platform
We are excited to welcome Arrhenius AG as our newest member organization! 🌊🌱 Their innovative approach to permanently removing CO2 from the atmosphere through biomass carbon removal and storage (BiCRS) using microalgae is a unique solution for the CDR Swiss landscape.💡🌿
✨ Motivated minds, innovative ideas & a valuable network. ✨ We are happy to join the Swiss Carbon Removal Platform! 🙌 The Swiss CDR Platform: 🤝 Connects stakeholders from government, industry, academia and civil society. ℹ️ Fosters informed public debate. 🚀 Initiates collaborative innovation. Thanks for the warm welcome and your important work Samuel E., Nicolas Solenthaler and Nicole Blasko. #CDR #CarbonRemoval #NetZero
🌿🤔 Can we save the climate with technology? – with this provocative question, we sparked our discussions with the ETH-Klimarunde participants last week. Viktoria Cologna from Collegium Helveticum and our Co-Lead Nicolas Solenthaler exchanged on the role of technology, from renewables to CDR, down to the role of the individuals to create a direct link with the people present. Nonetheless, systemic conditions such as policy or legal frameworks as well as the private and public sectors’ efforts are of course very much needed to reach a net-zero future too. 🎉 It was impressive to see how many participants from students to activists or retired people joined the table discussions. Congratulations to the ETH-Klimarunde organizers Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM) and Energy Science Center, ETH Zurich on this special event that truly brings together the public and science. Christina Schnadt Poberaj, Tamara Bandikova, Christian Schaffner, Reto Knutti, Cyril Brunner, Elisa Cadelli, SPEED2ZERO, Samuel E., Nicole Blasko, Stiftung Risiko-Dialog
Swiss Carbon Removal Platform hat dies direkt geteilt
Wie viel zusätzliche globale Erwärmung ist eigentlich schon durch unser bisheriges Handeln vorprogrammiert? Gibt es eine "warming in the pipeline"? Um dies zu beantworten, gibt es drei Aspekte zu betrachten: 1️⃣ Die zusätzliche Erwärmung im Klimasystem durch bisherige Emissionen 2️⃣ Kippelemente 3️⃣ die Erwärmung, die wir mit unseren Investitionen, beziehungsweise mit unserer bisherigen Infrastruktur bereits festgelegt haben 1️⃣ Nach heutigem Wissensstand gibt es keine weitere Erwärmung durch unsere bisherigen Emissionen. Das heisst, bei Netto-Null CO₂-Emissionen stoppt die zusätzliche Erwärmung. Das Klimasystem ist zwar träge, aber die Wärmeflüsse gleichen sich aus. 2️⃣ Kippelemente sind unsicher. Die beste Abschätzung ist es, dass die zusätzliche Erwärmung durch Kippelemente zwar von Bedeutung für das Klima sein dürfte, aber die Effekte vergleichsweise langsam und klein im Vergleich zu dem sind, wie wir das globale Klima durch unsere Emissionen aktuell aufheizen. So ist es für das gesamte globale Klima viel relevanter, wie wir uns ab jetzt verhalten und die zukünftige Erwärmung wird nahezu vollständig durch unsere zukünftigen Emissionen bestimmt. Heisst nicht, dass Kippelemente nicht zu substanziellen lokalen klimatischen Veränderungen oder lokal und global zu gravierenden nicht-klimatischen Veränderungen führen können (z.B. dem unumkehrbaren Verlust von Ökosystemen oder Erdrutsche). 3️⃣ Auch wenn wir rein physikalisch die Erwärmung auf dem heutigen Niveau stoppen könnten, indem wir unsere CO₂-Emissionen sofort auf Netto-Null senken würden, ist dies in der Realität quasi unmöglich, weil wir nicht von heute auf morgen all unsere bestehende, emissionsintensive Infrastruktur (z.B. Benzin- & Dieselfahrzeuge, fossile Heizungen, fossile Kraftwerke, etc) einfach abstellen können. Wird diese bestehende Infrastruktur ohne zusätzliche Vermeidungsmassnahmen bis an ihr Lebensende genutzt, lassen deren Emissionen die globale Erwärmung von den heutigen 1.3°C auf 1.6°C ansteigen. Und täglich kommt neue Infrastruktur hinzu, die über Jahrzehnte weitere Emissionen verursachen wird. Daher ist es so wichtig, nun so konsequent wie möglich emissionsarme Investitionen zu tätigen. Bei Heizungen, bei Fahrzeugen, bei neuen Anlagen und Bauten oder bei Unternehmensanteilen. Mehr dazu in diesem Artikel: https://lnkd.in/eqiVB-AB
📃🤔 What should the legal framework for CO₂ removal for net zero 2050 look like? This week, the SPEED2ZERO / ETH Board policy sprint on CDR has started! 🎊 We from the Swiss Carbon Removal Platform are happy to be a partner of this collaborative process that leads to ambitious political measures. This innovative format was developed and is carried out by Expedition Future. Around 30 experts from politics, business, science and civil society came together and worked intensively on the following 5 fields of action with regards to CO₂ removal: 🏛️ Governance - How can we steer CO₂ removal? 💰 Financing - How can we finance CO₂ removal and thus set the right incentives? 📈 Scaling - How can we stimulate demand? ✅ Standards and quality - How can we ensure the quality of CO₂ removal? 🗣️ Involvement and dialog - How can we involve the public and private sector in the next steps and communicate clearly on CO₂ removal? You can find more insights into the Policy Sprint format and Expedition Future on their website: https://lnkd.in/d487uj5P Priska Wismer-Felder, Susanne Vincenz-Stauffacher, Aline Trede, Gabriela Suter, Sophie Wenger, Jonathan Vouillamoz, Samuel Vogel, Peter Freudenstein, Lisa Braune, Stephanie Bischof, Darja Aepli, Dominic Lüdin, Kathrin Dellantonio, Jürgen Ragaller, Melanie Heiniger, Franka Bosman, Philipp Mäder, Flavia Zimmermann, Chris Zeyer, Anthony Patt, Björn Niesen, Philippe Thalmann, Juanita von Rothkirch, Matthias Poralla, Nicolas Solenthaler, Patrick Hofstetter, Christoph Beuttler, Floris Heim, Mario Davidi, Felix Schenuit, Reto Knutti, Cyril Brunner, Elisa Cadelli, Josephine Herzig, Pascal Müller-Scheiwiller, Lilianne Künzler, Laurène Descamps, Salimata Sophie Seck
Swiss Carbon Removal Platform hat dies direkt geteilt
💡 Women In Carbon X Google X swisscleantech X Carbon Removal Partners in Zurich on November 13th ✨ With all the ingredients to become a powerhouse for Carbon Removal, Switzerland is well-positioned to make a dent in the market. While regulations are still being finalized and some companies are cautious about investing, the opportunities for Switzerland to emerge as a leading “Carbon Valley” are clear. With this in mind, we are thrilled to host a panel and networking evening on November 13th to discuss the opportunity ahead! Joining us are top voices from Switzerland's Carbon ecosystem, including Leila Toplic from carbonfuture, Sebnem Erzan from Google, Madeleine Guyer from swisscleantech, and Sophie Wenger from the Swiss Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU 📅 Not yet registered? Please click on the link to register your interest: https://lu.ma/iyrsbpt6 While we have an all-female panel, everyone‘s welcome to join the event! Curated by Katrin, Brooke, and myself, on behalf of Women in Carbon