Around one in six Australians have a disability and they are twice as likely to be injured or socially isolated during a disaster. The Carinbundi team, a registered provider of support services for NDIS participants in the Bundaberg Service District, identified a need for a person-centred approach to support people with disabilities to help them take action and feel safe during an emergency or disaster. Carinbundi partnered with Bundaberg Regional Council to develop the Emergency and Disaster Management Preparedness Training Program targeting the needs of adults with disabilities. This impactful program was recently recognised at the 2024 Queensland Resilient Australia Awards, taking top honours in the Mental Health and Wellbeing category. The Queensland RAAs are an initiative of the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience, in partnership with Get Ready Queensland and Suncorp Group. To read more about the Carinbundi Emergency and Disaster Management Preparedness Training Program visit #RAA24 #GetReadyQueensland #DisasterManagement #DisasterPreparedness #Bundaberg #NDIS