North Australian Aboriginal Family Legal Service reposted this
When child protection enters your life, you MUST have an advocate. This system is punitive - in our work on the ground at the frontline of Aboriginal women and children’s safety we see Aboriginal mums blamed and punished for the violence they experience and their children are taken. This is why Aboriginal women, mums, MUST have an advocate and early access to legal advice and representation. In my 22 years working with Djirra I have only ever seen the number of our kids taken RISE not drop. Over the 22 years, we have called for greater funding of our specialist service to support mums to escape the violence safety with their kids - this is our priority - to keep families - mums and their kids together safely. For more than ten years, DJIRRA and other specialist Family Violence Prevention and Legal Services (FVPLS) across the country have called for funding to receive Child Protection Referrals when a notification is made on an Aboriginal child. This would mean that MUMS are REFERRED immediately to our SPECIALIST services for LEGAL advice and representation - THIS WILL PREVENT CHILD REMOVAL and KEEP KIDS with their MUMS loved and thriving in culture. Get behind DJIRRA and other FVPLSs and support our calls for increased funding to STOP our KIDS from BEING TAKEN Djirra- Sharing stories, finding solutions First Nations Advocates Against Family Violence (formerly the NFVPLS Forum)