We are thrilled to see our brand brought to life boldly and brilliantly! We would like to thank the incredible team from gotoAndPlay and NOPE Creative who worked on the redesign of our website – you nailed the animations, design, and functionality. The site truly delivers, just like our last-mile solutions. Check it out 👉 www.cleveron.com
Meil on suur rõõm jagada veel üht meie projekti – uus veebileht Cleveronile, maailma kõige ägedamate pakirobotite ja -kappide loojatele. Nende vana veebileht oli natuke nagu roboti kingakarpi mahutamine – liiga väike kõikide nende uute toodete ja suurte ideede jaoks. Nii me siis tegime koos oma NOPE Creative sõpradega sellele korraliku uuenduskuuri!⚡️ Kliendi jaoks olid väga olulised animatsioonid ning toodete võimalikult efektne esitlus. Üks mahukamaid ülesandeid seejuures oli avalehe hero sektsioon, mille inspiratsioon tuli Apple’i endiselt kodulehelt. Lisaks pakkus omajagu väljakutseid 3D loogikat vajav lahenduste lehe hero. Nüüd on Cleveroni veebileht ülimalt kasutajasõbralik – tooted on jagatud selgetesse kategooriatesse, leht on optimeeritud ja varustatud erinevate funktsioonidega. See on mobiilisõbralik ja aitab Cleveronil luua ühendust oma tulevaste klientidega. Võib julgelt öelda, et uus veebileht töötab sama laitmatult nagu Cleveroni robotid! 💌✨ Tšeki nende uut veebi 👉 www.cleveron.ee </> We’re super excited to share another one of our projects – a shiny new website for Cleveron, the brains behind some of the coolest parcel robots and lockers in the world. Their old site was a bit like trying to fit a robot in a shoebox – too small for their growing list of products and big ideas. So, we gave it a major upgrade with the help of our friends from NOPE Creative!⚡️ The client placed a strong emphasis on animations and creating an eye-catching presentation of their products. One of the biggest tasks was designing the main section of the homepage, which was inspired by Apple’s previous website. Additionally, the hero section on the solutions page presented its own challenges, as it required the use of 3D logic to make it work. Now, the site is super easy to use, with products sorted into clear categories, optimized for search engines, and loaded with different features. It's mobile-friendly and helps Cleveron connect with their future clients. It’s safe to say this new site delivers… just like Cleveron’s robots! 💌✨ Check it out yourself 👉 www.cleveron.ee