Manufacturing Strategies Summits hat dies direkt geteilt
Thank you to everyone who joined us on the stand at Manufacturing Strategies Summits and to those who joined us to hear Nick Racster talk about increasing the pace and sustainability of cost reduction and how KaizApp is the only solution designed specifically for problem-solving at scale to achieve this. If you are a COO, you can't ignore the power of digital to drive strategic cost reduction If you are a Performance Improvement lead, your effort needs to be connected to bottom line value KaizApp is designed specifically to provide a joined-up solution to delivering and sustaining cost reduction. If you missed out on hearing about how we do that, you can talk with us using this link here In the meantime, it was a joy meeting and hearing from leaders from all walks of industry. Until next year..... Carel Weijand Hervé DOAN Aroop Bhattacharjee David Bovis, M. npn Benoist Lusson Thomas Redmann Dr. Dietmar Breisacher Salvatore Impellizzeri Tilmann Kloppe Christian Starz Alberto Fornasier Cristina Jackson Amaryllis Lateltin Christophe PERRIN Melih Erden Josef Kriegmair Jani Suomalainen John Robinson Nic Bowler Luke Kerr Alex Klein Louise Racster