Sie befassen sich mit der Leistung eines Teammitglieds. Wie zeigen Sie Empathie, wenn Sie konstruktive Kritik üben?
Um konstruktives und einfühlsames Feedback zu geben, konzentrieren Sie sich auf diese Strategien:
- Beginnen Sie mit positiven Beobachtungen , um eine aufgeschlossene Atmosphäre zu schaffen.
- Verwenden Sie "Ich"-Aussagen , um Ihre Perspektive auszudrücken, ohne Schuldzuweisungen zu machen.
- Bieten Sie konkrete Beispiele und umsetzbare Schritte zur Verbesserung an.
Wie schaffen Sie es, Ehrlichkeit und Empathie in Einklang zu bringen, wenn Sie Feedback geben?
Sie befassen sich mit der Leistung eines Teammitglieds. Wie zeigen Sie Empathie, wenn Sie konstruktive Kritik üben?
Um konstruktives und einfühlsames Feedback zu geben, konzentrieren Sie sich auf diese Strategien:
- Beginnen Sie mit positiven Beobachtungen , um eine aufgeschlossene Atmosphäre zu schaffen.
- Verwenden Sie "Ich"-Aussagen , um Ihre Perspektive auszudrücken, ohne Schuldzuweisungen zu machen.
- Bieten Sie konkrete Beispiele und umsetzbare Schritte zur Verbesserung an.
Wie schaffen Sie es, Ehrlichkeit und Empathie in Einklang zu bringen, wenn Sie Feedback geben?
When delivering constructive criticism, lead with empathy. Acknowledge their effort and specific strengths to show appreciation for their work. For example, "I see how hard you've worked on this project, and your dedication is commendable." Then, focus on the issue, not the person, and frame it as an opportunity for growth: "There’s room to refine X, which can elevate your already strong contributions." Use a collaborative tone: "How can we work together to improve this?" Actively listen to their perspective and offer support or resources to address the gap. Empathy is about ensuring they feel valued and supported, not judged, so they stay motivated and trust the process.
I’d start with genuine appreciation: “Hey, I value your contributions and want to help you grow.” Acknowledging their strengths and efforts sets a supportive tone. Then, I’d specifically identify areas for improvement, focusing on actions rather than personality. “I’ve noticed X; let’s explore ways to enhance it.” This clarity ensures they know exactly what to work on. Empathy shines through open-ended questions: “How do you think we could improve?” or “What support do you need?” This collaborative approach encourages self-reflection, ownership and solution-driven thinking. I’d conclude with actionable advice, resources and a follow-up plan. “Let’s revisit in two weeks to celebrate progress!”
Para equilibrar honestidade com empatia ao fornecer feedback, você pode seguir estas estratégias: Inicie com Positividade: Comece destacando os pontos fortes e as contribuições valiosas do membro da equipe. Isso cria um ambiente positivo e receptivo. Use Declarações “Eu”: Expresse suas preocupações usando declarações como “Eu percebi que…” ou “Eu sinto que…”. Isso evita que o feedback pareça uma acusação. Seja Específico e Construtivo: Forneça exemplos concretos do comportamento que precisa ser melhorado e sugira passos práticos para a melhoria. Mostre Apoio: Deixe claro que você está disponível para ajudar e apoiar o desenvolvimento do membro da equipe. Como você costuma abordar essas conversas na sua equipe?
Feedback è a melhor ferramenta. Ela nao è uma critica e sim um norte para a pessoa. Desde que seja bem dado, deve ser feito com frequência e sem receio.
Step 1. Recognize the contribution of the team member - they are still a member of the TEAM and they are valued. Step 2. Advise the team member what the performance goal was, and where they landed. Step 3. Ask the team member what happened? How do they feel about their performance? LISTEN. Make sure the team member is HEARD. What they have to say could be legitimate! Step 4. Identify the BARRIER TO PERFORMANCE. Step 5. Develop a plan WITH the team member to improve performance. Don't dictate unless it's absolutely necessary. Step 6. FOLLOW UP. This is where bad leaders become apparent! Good leaders make sure the plan is running smoothly and re-evaluate as necessary. Step 7. HIGH-PERFORMING EMPLOYEE.
Chego com uma postura amigável. Tiro aquele colega do setor e o chamo para um local mais confortável e reservado. O tranquilizo, afirmo sua estabilidade como empregado e dirijo a ele os feedbacks necessários para que ele possa ser melhor visto, não por mim pois confio nele, mas para quem está no nível superior. Assim tiro de mim a "responsabilidade" de estar advertindo.
Enxergue o copo meio cheio, mostre os pontos de destaque que podem ser mantidos e aprimorados e no final apresente os pontos a desenvolver com estratégia e motivação.
Algunas ideas para comenzar serían: 1. Que la corrección a realizarla sea sumamente objetiva, y no una meramente personal desde “Yo haría esto” o “Lo haces distinto a mi”. 2. Observar a la persona integralmente, con sus fortalezas y debilidades, haciendo hincapié primero en lo positivo de su labor para luego hacer un corrección fraternal. 3. Buscar un espacio adecuado sin exponer a la persona a una corrección que llegue a oídos de otros compañeros. Es una simple apreciación personal, espero sea de ayuda.
Empathy is the key. First, I acknowledge the positive aspects and show that criticism is a bridge to growth, not a verdict. The tone is firm yet humane. In the end, the person should leave stronger, not diminished.
Evaluation is a continuous process, based on the following fundamental keys: I) Specific and demonstrable facts and/or results. II) Open, honest and timely communication. III) Active listening during the process. IV) Ask to direct the conversation. V) Commit to learning from failures. With all this, we can build a favorable environment to evaluate a situation, task or result and be able to contribute to reorienting the performance of a collaborator, helping them improve and grow. 🔎 Never focus only on the negative results, always remember to recognize the contributions.
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