Sigma Group

Sigma Group

IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster

Om oss

Sigma Group består av ledande konsultföretag med målsättningen att göra sina kunder mer konkurrenskraftiga. För att nå dit och hålla det löftet kombinerar vi vårt tekniska kunnande, vår spetskompetens och vår passion för att hela tiden utveckla nya och bättre lösningar. Våra tjänster tillhandahålls av Sigma Technology, Sigma Connectivity, Sigma Industry, Sigma Civil, och Sigma Software. Sammanlagt är vi 5000 medarbetare i 16 länder. Sigma Group ägs av Danir, ett privat investeringsbolag ägt av familjen Dan Olofsson.

IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster
5 001–10 000 anställda
Privatägt företag


Anställda på Sigma Group


  • As we leave 2024 behind, we look back on the year with pride. We are very pleased with the very first edition of the Experts of Tomorrow Innovation Race, which received a total of 150 registered classes and as many as 135 submitted contributions. Something we can truly be proud of! And therefore, it is with great joy that we can announce there will be an Innovation Race 2025! 🥳 With this happy news, we wish you all a Happy New Year and a joyful Expect a Better Tomorrow Day! ✨ #sigmagroup #expectabettertomorrow

  •   The past year has been filled with milestones for Sigma Group. Among other things, we proudly look back on our new innovation competition, Experts of Tomorrow Innovation Race. A competition where we have seen hundreds of middle school students flex their creative minds and create fantastic innovations. It has been a joy to witness these experts, and after reviewing all the submitted entries, we can agree that the future indeed looks bright.   From all of us at Sigma, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy “Expect a Better Tomorrow Day”! 🎄 🎁 #sigmagroup

  • Norconsult Sverige förvärvar Sigma Civil med 125 medarbetare inom samhällsbyggnad: – Med Norconsult kommer vi in i det sammanhang där vi ser betydande synergier till gagn för våra kunder och medarbetare. Vi kompletterar och förstärker varandra, och nya möjligheter kommer att öppnas för våra medarbetare. Det känns extra bra att företagskultur och värderingar stämmer överens med Sigma Civils, säger Anders Dannqvist, VD Sigma Civil. Läs hela pressmeddelandet på: _____ Norconsult Sverige acquires Sigma Civil with 125 employees in urban development: “Joining Norconsult places us in a context where we see significant synergies that will benefit both our customers and employees. We complement and strengthen each other, and new opportunities will arise for our team. It feels particularly positive that the corporate culture and values align closely with those of Sigma Civil,” says Anders Dannqvist, CEO of Sigma Civil. Read the full press release at:

    Norconsult förvärvar Sigma Civil – god industriell logik…

    Norconsult förvärvar Sigma Civil – god industriell logik…

  • Visa organisationssidan för Sigma Group, grafik

    8 512 följare

    ”It's crucial that we keep driving innovation forward to sustain our standard of living. Sweden’s position as a leader in global innovation is something we must safeguard and continue to develop. And for Sweden to keep this position, we all need to do our part. Now is the time to inspire and engage tomorrow’s engineers, creators, and problem-solvers!” Read more about Björn Lundqvist’s, CEO at Sigma Connectivity, thoughts on how we together can encourage young people to discover the joy of technology here ➡️

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Sigma Group, grafik

    8 512 följare

    For the 12th consecutive year, Universum has recognized Sigma Technology Group among Sweden’s Best Employers, securing a prestigious Top 3 position in 2024. This recognition by Universum reflects the high level of employee satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty within the company. “This recognition is vital for us because it directly reflects the values and needs of our people. When we know what truly matters to our employees, we can focus on meaningful improvements, ensuring a fulfilling work environment that aligns with their real needs and expectations from the employer”, says Carl Vikingsson, CEO of Sigma Technology Group.

    Sigma Technology Group Ranks Among Sweden’s Top 3 Best…

    Sigma Technology Group Ranks Among Sweden’s Top 3 Best…

  • Zandra Granberg joined Sigma Industry East to turn her passion for environmental science into real business-driven solutions. After years in the public sector, she found her place at Sigma, where she’s already leading projects focused on green tech and sustainability. 🌿 “Every day, I find countless opportunities to do things that contribute to a better tomorrow. Being able to use my education and work with environmental issues, thereby creating positive change, is incredibly fulfilling. The fact that my employer actively supports this makes it even better.” says Zandra Granberg. 

    Turning passion into purpose

    Turning passion into purpose

  • Nu har vi snart presenterat alla våra jurymedlemmar i Experts of Tomorrow Innovation Race. Sist men inte minst är ingen mindre än Elenor Kasselia! 🙌 Elenor jobbar som verksamhetsutvecklare och teknisk projektledare på Sigma Industry East i Norrköping, och när hon fick frågan om varför hon tycker att innovationstävlingen är ett viktigt initiativ svarade hon: –Det är inte alla som har privilegiet att ha förebilder inom teknikbranschen och studier visar att teknikintresset minskar ju äldre man blir, främst om man inte har någon närstående med den bakgrunden. Därför är det så otroligt viktigt att tidigt fånga upp personer med förmågan att bidra till en bättre morgondag och uppmuntra dem till att välja vägen in i teknikbranschen. Läs mer om Elenor och resten av juryn på 💡 ____ We have almost introduced all our jury members in the Experts of Tomorrow Innovation Race. Last but not least is none other than Elenor Kasselia! Elenor works as a business developer and technical project manager at Sigma Industry East in Norrköping. When asked why she thinks the innovation competition is an important initiative, she replied: "Not everyone has the privilege of having role models in the technology industry, and studies show that interest in technology decreases as you get older, especially if you don’t have someone close with that background. That’s why it’s so incredibly important to catch people early who have the ability to contribute to a better tomorrow and encourage them to choose the path into the technology industry." Read more about Elenor and the rest of the jury at

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