


Ronneby, Blekinge 640 följare

Software is magic. We know software.

Om oss

Software is magic. A material consisting only of words, but which does things. So to have it do something else, just use other words. It’s really that easy; it is called software for a reason.

11–50 anställda
Ronneby, Blekinge
Privatägt företag


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  • factor10 omdelade detta

    Save the date! #myConf2025 will take place in #Varberg on May 26-27! If you are unfamiliar with the concept, myConf is a lunch-to-lunch single-track conference with eight world-class speakers. We can promise 24 hours of inspiration, learning, and thought-provoking discussions about business and software development that make the world a better place. What is so special about myConf, you might wonder? For starters, myConf offers eight world-class speakers in a small setting where you have the opportunity to meet and talk to them over lunches, coffee breaks, and dinner. While there are plenty of great software development conferences about the latest and most advanced technical stuff, myConf focuses on how the software industry can lead the way to systemic change by showing us new ways of creating exponential value. All in the hope of creating ripples in the water for the greater good. This will be the fourth time factor10 will arrange myConf and the first time it is being held in Varberg. So, what happens now? Well, there’s much more work to be done! The venue, speakers and practical details will all be announced soon. We recommend checking out www.myconf.io from time to time or following myConf and factor10 here on LinkedIn to ensure you don’t miss any exciting announcements. You can also email us at myConf@factor10.com, and we’ll let you know when tickets are released so you can secure your spot! Hope to see you in Varberg in May! 

    • Text in image: Save the date! myConf 2025, 26-27 May, Varberg, Sweden
  • Is your software product organization struggling to get your products to the market faster without compromising quality? We're there for you when: ☞ Your software needs improvement to enable speed, adaptability and longevity. ☞ You need to reinforce your ability to deliver better software faster to keep or acquire customers or talent. ☞ You have a particularly important and difficult problem, including technical, business and process dimensions. Follow the link to find out how we can help your software organization accelerate: https://lnkd.in/dEdEMfBf

    • Text in image: We help software organizations   deliver outstanding software faster
  • factor10 omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jimmy Nilsson, grafik

    Co-founder, CEO and consultant at factor10. Author of "Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns" etc.

    Nu är Radiohjälpens #Musikhjälpen i full gång och vi på factor10 vill så klart vara med och stötta i år också! Ifjol blev det 9200 kr, men det hoppas vi slå i år. Buda på en Pipeline Checkup med Daniel Raniz R. eller en Website Checkup med Nizar Selander på Musikhjälpens auktionssajt, så donerar vi hela beloppet. I år går de insamlade pengarna till kampen mot mödradödlighet. Följ länkarna för att komma till auktionerna, där du kan läsa mer om erbjudandet och – så klart – buda! https://lnkd.in/dWCy5bqg https://lnkd.in/d34pfrKg

  • Hjälp oss att stötta #Musikhjälpen! ☟

    Visa profilen för Daniel Raniz R., grafik

    Coding Architect and Public Speaker

    Nu drar Radiohjälpens #Musikhjälpen igång och jag och factor10 vill så klart vara med och stötta! Buda på en Pipeline Checkup med mig på Musikhjälpens auktionssajt, så donerar vi hela beloppet! I år går de insamlade pengarna till kampen mot mödradödlighet. Följ länken för att komma till auktionen, där du kan läsa mer om erbjudandet och – så klart – buda! https://lnkd.in/dKgWEDHB

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  • Hjälp oss stötta #Musikhjälpen! ☟

    Visa profilen för Nizar Selander, grafik

    Nu drar Radiohjälpens #Musikhjälpen igång och jag och factor10 vill så klart vara med och stötta! Buda på en Website Checkup med mig på Musikhjälpens auktionssajt, så donerar vi hela beloppet! I år går de insamlade pengarna till kampen mot mödradödlighet. Följ länken för att komma till auktionen, där du kan läsa mer om erbjudandet och – så klart – buda! https://lnkd.in/dhTd2M-n

    • Graphic with “Buda på en Website Checkup med Nizar!” and a Musikhjälpen logo featuring a green heart.
  • Is your industrial manufacturing company looking to fully embrace digitalization in terms of product features, business models, and helping your customers maximize value for their businesses? We're here for you when: ☞ You want to use software to leverage the commercialization of your product and help your customers maximize value for their businesses. ☞ You want to improve and simplify your digital sales funnels, shortening the distance from discovery to revenue. Follow the link to find out how we can help your manufacturing company grow through software! 🔗 https://lnkd.in/dG2bSZ_Z

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  • Our CTO, Per Rovegård, shares six tips on transforming your software to leverage your business!

    Is outdated software preventing your company from scaling rapidly? Your gut tells you something needs to change. Your team whispers about "technical debt". Your competitors are moving faster. But where do you start? Whether you've recently reached profitability and are ready to scale up, or you've struggled for a while and recognize that you need to adapt to survive, you are facing important decisions about your software and your organization! In this article I share six critical insights about software transformation that will help you to: ✅ Overcome legacy system constraints ✅ Accelerate technological adaptability ✅ Align tech infrastructure with business ambitions 🔗 Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/di_nGmdJ

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  • If you missed, or simply want to relive, factor10's own Daniel Raniz R. talking about pipeline patterns and antipatterns at Øredev, you can watch it here. ☟ As with many things, a great pipeline operates seamlessly in the background, while a poorly designed one becomes a constant irritation. But what makes a pipeline great? In what order should you run your test suites? Should you have one pipeline or ten? In this talk, Raniz answers these questions and more by bringing up a few antipatterns he has encountered during his work as a consultant, explaining why he considers them such and what you should do instead.

  • Are you working with software close to Varberg, Sweden? Don’t miss the next Arkitekturforum on December 10th. Step down from your ivory tower and into an open space for software architects, or others passionate about software development. The main theme is architecture, but discussions often branch out into the wider world of software development. #Arkitekturforum #SoftwareArchitecture #Networking #OpenSpace

    Visa profilen för Daniel Raniz R., grafik

    Coding Architect and Public Speaker

    Nästa Arkitekturforum i Varberg går av stapeln den 10e december. Kom och prata om vad _du_ vill prata om. Huvudtemat är mjukvaru-/systemarkitektur, men på något konstigt sätt så brukar det smyga in ämnen som mest har med mjukvaruutveckling i allmänhet att göra :) Kvällen går till så att vi tillsammans bestämmer vad vi ska prata om i början. Typiskt delar man upp sig i grupper om 5-6 personer och sprider ut sig i lokalen och diskuterar i 35-40 minuter innan man återsamlas och tar ett nytt ämne och gör om hela baletten igen. Vi brukar hinna med två sessioner innan det är dags för middag. Eftersom alla bestämmer diskussionsämnena tillsammans brukar alla hitta en intressant diskussion att delta eller lyssna i och diskussionerna brukar bli jättebra. https://lnkd.in/dS7Z794d #Varberg #OpenSpace

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  • Almost a year ago, factor10 consultant Martin Hellspong shared how to “Surprise yourself with property-based testing” at Øredev. Now, you can finally watch the full presentation! Here’s a description of the talk in Martin's own words: “Everybody writes unit tests these days—or do they? An educated guess tells me that 99% of the tests in your code base are so-called "example-based" tests, where you assert that given some example inputs, the result is the one you expected. At best, you throw in some examples of known edge cases for good measure. But in many cases, we can do better—as in finding additional bugs with the same or less effort—by using testing libraries that support Property-Based Testing. What you'll learn from this talk, is that PBT gives you the testing super-power to surprise yourself and your code, which rarely happens with example-based testing. Being unable to (inadvertently) give softball examples that are way too easy on your code, can help uncover many problems as well as odd edge cases nobody considered.” PS. If you're attending this year's Øredev, Daniel Raniz R. is speaking about pipeline patterns and anti-patterns in MAPS on Wednesday, November 6 at 13:55. #Öredev #PBT #Code #Software #SoftwareDevelopment

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