Servizi di progettazione

Milan, Lombardy 3.772 follower

We design cutting-edge products & services by bridging people, businesses and technologies.

Chi siamo a European design and innovation agency pioneering in the realm of IoT. We have strong capabilities on smart mobility, smart home, smart healthcare & wellness, smart cities and industry 4.0. It was founded in 2012 in Milan and since then, we’ve been creating products & services outlining & developing their entire experiential ecosystems driven by a human-centric approach. Our designers are interdisciplinary - meshing up capabilities as Service, Business, Interaction, Visual and Industrial Design skills - in order to develop the most seamless experiences. Each project achieves excellence through the use of cutting-edge technology & effective business models.

Sito Web
Servizi di progettazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Lombardy
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Internet of Things, Interaction Design, Service Design, Product Design, Trend & Design Research, Product & Brand Assessment, Innovation Consulting, UI Design, Physical Interaction, Visual Design, Prototyping, Digital Strategy, Brand Experience, UX design, Interactive installation, innovative shopping experince, pure digital product e business design


Dipendenti presso THINGS


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    3.772 follower

    Introducing Aurelio: Responsive Innovation for Brilliant AI Solutions Milan, December 2024 THINGS and BVA Doxa proudly announce the launch of Aurelio, our innovative consulting service designed to empower small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI). Aurelio simplifies AI adoption by providing tools, strategies, and insights that align seamlessly with your unique business goals, unlocking growth while ensuring responsible use of technology. 💡What Sets Aurelio Apart?
Aurelio is built to adapt to your needs, offering tailored solutions through a modular approach. This ensures every step of your AI journey is relevant, practical, and impactful. Our Four Core Pillars
 1) Guided Innovation – Support businesses throughout their innovation journey.
2) Tailored Journeys – Address the unique challenges of each business, according to specific needs.
 3) Collaborative Engagement – Active participation for smoother, goal-focused results.
 4) Scalable Modules – Flexible solutions to meet diverse needs. With Aurelio, we're bridging the gap between SMEs and the endless opportunities of AI to drive growth, innovation, and long-term success. Ready to unlock the potential of AI for your business? Let Aurelio guide your way. 👉 To learn more, read the article in our T-Innovation Gazette! ✨ #AIForSMEs #InnovationUnleashed #Aurelio #ArtificialIntelligence #BusinessGrowth #SMEGrowth #DigitalTransformation #FutureOfWork #TechForBusiness #AIConsulting #InnovationStrategy #TechSolutions #AIAdoption

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    🌟 Latest highlights from our work with GreenInCities! As part of the EU projects we recently presented to our partners, there is also GreenInCities 🏙️ - a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing urban environments across Europe through innovative and sustainable greening strategies. 🌱 With 31 partners from 12 countries, the project unites 5 Leader cities—Athens, Barcelona, Helsinki, Prato, and Nova Gorica—and 6 Follower cities, including Birstonas, Cork, Hersonissos, Matosinhos, Pecs, and Reykjavik. GreenInCities focuses on tackling urban climate challenges through advanced renature-based solutions, circular methodologies, and collaborative processes. 🇪🇺 Our role in the project has been pivotal by integrating a circular approach into a comprehensive project Co-Creation Methodology for the consortium and establishing a Twinning Process to facilitate knowledge sharing among Communities of Practice. Additionally, we are consolidating a catalog of tools that focus on Qualitative Assessment for Participatory Analysis Systems, Co-Creation Systems, and Citizen Science Tools. To further support collaborative efforts during the Co-Analysis and Co-Design phases, we provide innovative participatory tools such as the Panoramic T-Innovation Boost and the Immersive T-Innovation Boost, enabling more inclusive and effective urban greening solutions. Together with our partners, we’re proud to contribute to building cities that are greener, more sustainable, and better prepared for the challenges of tomorrow. 🚀 #UrbanRenaturing #CoCreation #NatureBasedSolutions #ResilientCities #SustainableCities #CircularEconomy #UrbanInnovation #CommunityEngagement #GreenCities #FutureCities #ClimateResilience #UrbanRegeneration #SmartCities #EnvironmentalSustainability #CitizenScience #EUProjects #UrbanGreening #CollaborativePlanning #GreenInfrastructure #ClimateAction

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di THINGS, immagine

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    🌟Latest highlights from our work with the ELABORATOR Project! We recently shared with our partners the progress of ELABORATOR, a comprehensive project aimed at revolutionizing urban mobility through innovative and sustainable solutions tailored to the needs of citizens and stakeholders. 🏙️ With 38 partners across 12 countries, ELABORATOR unites efforts across 12 pilot cities, including Milan, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Zaragoza, and Split. Our work has been recognized by the consortium for its depth and impact, reinforcing the project’s ultimate goal: to support the EU Smart Mobility Strategy, Zero Pollution Action Plan, and Road Safety Framework 2021-2030. 🇪🇺 We are proud to play a pivotal role in this initiative and as part of our efforts, we developed the project’s Evaluation Plan—praised by the EU CIVITAS cluster—and published a research paper under our names. We also support cities in developing feasibility and action plans and guide co-creation processes through stakeholder mapping and need-gap analysis. Looking ahead, we are excited to facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity building for Observer cities, empowering them to learn from the experiences of Lighthouse and Follower cities. Together, we are driving the future of urban mobility toward a more inclusive, sustainable, and climate-resilient Europe. 🚀🌱 #Elaborator #UrbanMobility #SustainableTransport #InclusiveDesign #SmartCities #EUProjects #Sustainability #CoCreation #ClimateAction #ZeroPollution #RoadSafety #FutureMobility #StakeholderEngagement #KnowledgeSharing #CapacityBuilding #Innovation #GreenMobility #UrbanDevelopment #Accessibility #ResilientCities

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    Visualizza il profilo di Giovanni Pola, immagine

    Founder @GreatPixel | Director @International NeuroMarTech Observatory | AI, Psychology, & Design Integrator

    wow wow wow finiamo questa settimana incredibile con la convention di THINGS! Partecipare a questo momento organizzato dall'amico Pier Paolo Bardoni (nella foto in posizione "messianica" 😅) é stato molto bello! Things infatti è una #DesignCompany che opera a livello internazionale e che realizza prodotti che ibridano il mondo degli oggetti fisici e quello digitale. Oggi si é parlato di come il Design possa guidare l'evoluzione della #AI e della continua crescita della UX "emozionalmente intelligence' quello che mi è piaciuto di più é il prodotto che Things ha introdotto nel sistema sanitario pubblico anglosassone. Si tratta di un servizio complesso e completo per il monitoraggio dei decorsi post-operatori (ortopedici ma non solo) potenzialmente in grado di salvare letteralmente la vita a milioni di persone nel mondo, monitorando le loro ferite e prevenendo eventuali infezioni. Non è bello scoprire che dall'Italia possiamo esportare la qualità nel #design che ibrida fisico e digitale in tutta Europa?

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    🎉 Domani è il grande giorno: l'Open T-Day è alle porte! 🎉 Siamo pronti a darti il benvenuto per un pomeriggio di ispirazione e crescita. Discuteremo di adozione dell'intelligenza artificiale nelle PMI, innovazione per le startup e il nostro coinvolgimento in progetti europei dedicati alle Smart Cities e alla sostenibilità. 🏙️🌱 📅 Data: 11 ottobre 2024 🕒 Orario: 14:30 📍 Location: Via Madre Cabrini 10, Milano (presso CoWorld) Come arrivare: 🚇 In metro La fermata più vicina è Porta Romana (Linea M3 - Gialla), a circa 10 minuti a piedi. 🚉 In tram Tram 9, fermata Porta Romana M3, a circa 10 minuti a piedi. Tram 16, fermata Viale Monte Nero Via Bergamo, a circa 5 minuti a piedi. 🚍 In autobus Autobus 62, fermata Viale Monte Nero Via Bergamo, a 5 minuti a piedi. Autobus 65, fermata Via Curtatone, a 7 minuti a piedi. 🚘 Parcheggi nelle vicinanze Parcheggio a pagamento disponibile in Viale Monte Nero e Via Bergamo. 👉 Indicazioni per l'accesso: Entra dal cancello, prosegui fino in fondo a sinistra, sali gli scalini e troverai la porta giusta! Non perderti questo appuntamento unico, ti aspettiamo! #OpenTDay #THINGS #Milano #Eventi #Networking #innovation #productinnovation #scalability #MVPdesign #experienceDesign

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    3.772 follower

    🎉 Ci siamo quasi! 🎉 Manca poco alla prima edizione dell’Open T-Day e non vediamo l’ora di accoglierti! 🏢 Abbiamo pubblicato un articolo sulla nostra Gazette che racconta i dettagli dell’evento e le attività che abbiamo programmato. 📖 Affronteremo temi legati ai nostri recenti successi e strategie future, l’adozione dell’Intelligenza Artificiale nelle PMI, l’innovazione del prodotto per startup e la nostra partecipazione ai progetti di ricerca europei focalizzati su Smart Cities, Green Deal e New European Bauhaus. 👉 Leggi l’articolo completo qui: 🗓️ Data: 11 ottobre 2024 🕒 Orario: 14:30 📍 Location: Via Madre Cabrini 10, Milano (presso CoWorld) Affrettati, hai ancora poco tempo per registrarti! Puoi farlo tramite l’articolo che abbiamo condiviso o su Eventbrite cercando il nostro profilo THINGS Srl oppure puoi seguendo il link testuale 👉 I posti sono limitati, quindi non perdere l’occasione! #OpenTDay #THINGS #Milano #Eventi #Networking #innovation #productinnovation #scalability #MVPdesign #experienceDesign

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    3.772 follower

    Open T-Day 2024 Siamo entusiasti di invitarti alla prima edizione dell’Open T-Day. Apriremo le porte al nostro studio per farti conoscere da vicino la nostra realtà e il nostro nuovo spazio di lavoro. 📅 Data: 11 ottobre 2024 🕒 Orario: 14:30 📍 Location: Via Madre Cabrini 10, Milano, Italy (presso CoWorld) Sarà un’occasione unica per trascorrere del tempo insieme, incontrare i nostri clienti, partner e amici, e scoprire di più su ciò che stiamo realizzando in THINGS. Ti aspettiamo per un pomeriggio all’insegna della condivisione e del networking, in un ambiente informale e stimolante. È gradita una vostra gentile conferma, i posti sono limitati! Ti invitiamo a registrarti su Eventbrite cercando il nostro profilo THINGS Srl oppure puoi seguire il link testuale 👉 Non vediamo l’ora di vederti! #OpenTDay #Networking #Innovazione #Design #THINGS

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di HeritACT, immagine

    600 follower

    Use the Accelerating Change Together #SustainACT Tool: Innovative tagging system of mapping actions across the Global Goals 🌍 The tool helps on assessing and contributing to sustainable targets including the New European Bauhaus (NEB), European Green Deal (EGD) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It facilitates input from individuals and community groups in the design process, translating sustainability goals for a broad audience. #HeritACT expected impact: provide a better understanding of a project's current and potential impact on the environment, economy, and society for all user groups. Learn more:

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    Visualizza il profilo di Pier Paolo Bardoni, immagine

    Founder & CEO @ THINGS | Product Experience Design

    Fare impresa con l’innovazione vera non è certo facile, se poi il prodotto in questione è fisico-digitale è ancora più difficile. La ricetta per emergere però è sempre la stessa: determinazione, visione, professionalità e grande capacità nel problem solving. Scuter è ora allo step più interessante. In THINGS siamo felici di aver dato il nostro contributo. Scuter avanti tutta!

    Milano, arrivano gli Scuter in sharing. Come sono e perché dovrebbero fare meglio di chi ha fallito

    Milano, arrivano gli Scuter in sharing. Come sono e perché dovrebbero fare meglio di chi ha fallito

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    3.772 follower

    Thrilled to have immersed in two intense days at #FD24 in #Lisbon. Our discussions paved the way for innovative solutions, from insightful dialogues on foresight to embracing emerging technologies like qualitative AI Proud to have contributed to shaping a future that's #inclusive, #datadriven, and focused on #improving lives.

    Visualizza il profilo di Pier Paolo Bardoni, immagine

    Founder & CEO @ THINGS | Product Experience Design

    Future Days was an amazing event! We experienced two intense days at #FD24 in Lisbon, thinking about mankind's future with people from all over the world made me genuinely happy and grateful! We gathered multiple important inspirations to address the need for planning and foresight for the future, but we were also stimulated to reflect on how to bring valuable elements from the future to better face the present. We drew inspirations from local and international scenarios, initiated new dialogues with data, and explored how to best utilize more qualitative AI. We have devised methods to highlight new logic and considered how policymakers can benefit from design to better address the needs of governments and citizens. We discussed the importance of the interdisciplinarity of design in outlining the future, debating the attitude of inclusion and using emerging technologies to shape and predict our future plurally. We emphasized the life-centered design approach, neurodivergence, discussed the Protopia future framework, and last but not least, the treasure of small datasets that can successfully prevent biases and improve representation for the present and future. The final wrap-up included a speculative workshop for sorting out mobility issues in the metropolitan area of Lisbon for 2030!

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